Garaventa AK 400 Detachable Grip - Up Close
& Personal
By Cameron Halmrast
Garaventa AK
400 Grip
This is the Garaventa AK 400
detachble grip. It's used on all the new Garaventa and Garaventa
CTEC detachable lifts since 2000. However, the blue coil springs
are new feature to the grip, since they used to be black.
Garaventa AK
400 Grip
we can see the mobile jaw and the two flexible grip needles.
Garaventa AK
400 Grip
is the back of the grip. The black wheel on top is the depression
roller along with the two blue coil springs.
Garaventa AK
400 Grip
shot of the Garaventa AK 400 grip.
Garaventa AK
400 Grip
close up of the mobile jaw.
Garaventa AK
400 Grip
up at the grip.
Garaventa AK
400 Grip
is a picture of one of the flexible grip needles. As you
can see, the tip has been damaged from something. This can
be fixed by filing down the damaged piece.
Garaventa AK
400 Grip
is a top view of the grip. The black plate on top is the
flexible plastic grip tread plate, while the black wheel
in the top left corner is the depression roller.