Cog Railway - Cog Railway Ski Trains
Cog Railway at Cog Railway Ski Trains
The Bottom Station
Cog Railway at Cog Railway Ski Trains
Looking Up the Lift Line
Cog Railway at Cog Railway Ski Trains
An Overview of the Lift Line
Lift Stats:
Manufacturer:  Sylvester Marsh
Type:  70-Passenger Cog Railway
Installed:  1869
Drive(s):  Coal Fired Steam Locomotives
Tensioning:  N/A 
Motor: N/A HP
Motor rating, continuous: N/A kW
Motor rating, starting:  N/A kW
Haul rope diameter:  N/A mm 
Rope guage:  N/A m
Vertical rise: 1,100 ft / 335.28 m
Inclined length:  4,952 ft / 1,509.37 m

Speed on line: 

330 fpm / 1.68 m/s 
Speed in station: 330 fpm / 1.68 m/s
Number of towers:  N/A
Number of carriers:  Varies
Capacity:  350 P/h
Ride time:  15 minutes

Carrier parking: 

At Bottom Station 

Other notes: 

Although the railway was built in 1869, The Cog Railway didn't begin offering skiing from the train until 2004. The coaches are heated and tourist traffic is allowed on the train during the ski season. Skiing is not offered from the summit of Mt. Washington.