Jordan Mountain - Sunday River Ski Area
Jordan Mountain at Sunday River Ski Area
The Drive Station
Jordan Mountain at Sunday River Ski Area
The Return Station
Jordan Mountain at Sunday River Ski Area
The Return Station
Lift Stats:
Manufacturer:  Garaventa/CTEC/Hall
Type:  Double
Installed:  1994
Drive:  At North Station (Jordan Bowl End)
Tensioning:  At North Station (Jordan Bowl End) 
Motor: N/A HP
Motor rating, continuous: N/A kW
Motor rating, starting:  N/A kW
Haul rope diameter:  N/A mm 
Rope guage:  N/A m
Vertical rise: 35* ft / 10.67* m
Inclined length:  1,735 ft / 528.83 m

Speed on line: 

450 fpm / 2.29 m/s 
Speed in station: 450 fpm / 2.29 m/s
Number of towers:  N/A
Number of carriers:  N/A pcs.
Capacity:  N/A P/h
Ride time:  N/A minutes

Chair parking: 


Other notes: 

This lift was built by Garaventa/CTEC and uses Hall double chairs. The lift can be loaded at either end as it is a transfer lift from the Aurora Peak base area to the Jordan Bowl base area.
* Vertical Rise is determined from the Aurora Peak terminus of the lift, meaning the lift rises 35 feet (10.67 meters) from the base of Aurora Peak to the base of Jordan Bowl.