Diamond Express - Berkshire East Ski Area
Diamond Express at Berkshire East Ski Area
The Bottom Station
Diamond Express at Berkshire East Ski Area
The Bottom Station
Diamond Express at Berkshire East Ski Area
Looking Up the Lift Line
Diamond Express at Berkshire East Ski Area
Looking Up the Lift Line
Lift Stats:
Manufacturer:  Hall
Type:  Double
Installed:  1978
Drive:  At Bottom Station
Tensioning:  At Bottom Station 
Motor: N/A HP
Motor rating, continuous: N/A kW
Motor rating, starting:  N/A kW
Haul rope diameter:  N/A mm 
Rope guage:  N/A m
Vertical rise: ~920 ft / 280.42 m
Inclined length:  ~3,400 ft / 1,036.32 m

Speed on line: 

550 fpm / 2.79 m/s 
Speed in station: 550 fpm / 2.79 m/s
Number of towers:  N/A
Number of carriers:  N/A pcs.
Capacity:  N/A P/h
Ride time:  ~6.1 minutes

Chair parking: 


Other notes: 

This lift was originally built at Sierra-at-Tahoe, CA in 1968. Berkshire East then bought the lift in 1978 and installed it as the Diamond Express.