Stony Mountain - Kelly Canyon
Stony Mountain at Kelly Canyon
The Lower Station
Stony Mountain at Kelly Canyon
The Lower Station
Stony Mountain at Kelly Canyon
The Lower Station
Stony Mountain at Kelly Canyon
The Lower Station
Stony Mountain at Kelly Canyon
The Lower Station
Stony Mountain at Kelly Canyon
Lift Towers
Stony Mountain at Kelly Canyon
Looking Up The Lift Line
Stony Mountain at Kelly Canyon
Looking Up The Lift Line
Lift Stats:
Manufacturer:  N/A
Type:  Double
Installed:  1958
Drive:  At bottom station
Tensioning:  At top station 
Motor: N/A HP
Motor rating, continuous: N/A kW
Motor rating, starting:  N/A kW
Haul rope diameter:  N/A mm 
Rope guage:  N/A m
Vertical rise: N/A ft / N/A m
Inclined length:  N/A ft / N/A m

Speed on line: 

N/A fpm / N/A m/s 
Speed in station: N/A fpm / N/A m/s
Number of towers:  N/A
Number of carriers:  N/A pcs.
Capacity:  N/A P/h
Ride time:  N/A minutes

Chair parking: 


Other notes: 

While this lift looks like an old Riblet, it's actually a counterfeit. Kelly Canyon's owners actually replicated the blue prints of its Riblet Summit lift to build this lift. Riblet came very close to filing a lawsuit against the resort for copyright infringement.