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Liberator Express at Mission Ridge, Washington

Skilifts.org had the honor to hang out with Outback Construction during the summer of 2005 and document the installation of the high-speed quad that Mission Ridge purchased from Winter Park in March of 2005. Originally installed in 1985 at Winter Park by POMA, the lift was removed to make way for a new high-speed six-pack. The new lift is 6,717 feet long with a vertical rise of 1,665 ft.

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Chair 2 at Mission Ridge
These are the reels are that hold the foundation cages in place. There is a reel for every tower bolt.

Chair 2 at Mission Ridge
The foundation cage is surveyed again to make sure that it's in the right position before the cement is poured.

Chair 2 at Mission Ridge
Then the cement if poured to fill up the foundation.

Chair 2 at Mission Ridge
A wood box is then placed around the tower bolts on top of the foundation to create the platform which the tower will sit on.

Chair 2 at Mission Ridge
Frank measures the box to make sure that it's level. If the box isn't level, then the tower won't be level when it's sitting on the foundation.

Chair 2 at Mission Ridge
Dan and Smokey smooth out the cement that's inside the box to create a nice flat surface.

Chair 2 at Mission Ridge
Smokey puts the finishing touches on the foundation.

Chair 2 at Mission Ridge
Here is a picture of the drive terminal.

Chair 2 at Mission Ridge
Another view of the drive terminal.

Chair 2 at Mission Ridge
A view of the top terminal before the terminal structure is put on.

Chair 2 at Mission Ridge
The decelerator rail is being put into place at the top terminal.

Chair 2 at Mission Ridge
A view of the terminal after the accelerator and decelerator rails have been attached successfully.

Chair 2 at Mission Ridge
The terminal pieces are being bolted into place.

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For more information about Mission Ridge:

Visit its website at: www.missionridge.com

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