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#1 missouriskier

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Posted 15 January 2011 - 01:59 PM

What area did I take this picture at?

Attached Image: IMG00140-20100220-1552.jpg

#2 iceberg210

    Bald Eagle Lifts: Defying Gravity

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Posted 15 January 2011 - 03:30 PM

Devil's Head Wisconsin...

I'm pretty well positive that that looks exactly like the lift that rolled back last year, or at least the cover does...
Erik Berg
Bald Eagle Lifts: Defying Gravity

#3 missouriskier

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Posted 15 January 2011 - 08:25 PM

[quote name='iceberg210' timestamp='1295134207' post='94612']
Devil's Head Wisconsin...

I'm pretty well positive that that looks exactly like the lift that rolled back last year, or at least the cover does...

Yes, that's Lift 3 at Devil's Head. As you can see, the roof of the lift was still not fixed, and I took that picture on 2/20/10. Maintenance was not a high priority there, I would say. There were many things there that we noticed that needed to be fixed. I do understand, however that they didn't want to fix the roof of the lift because they probably knew that the lift was going to be replaced by the quad this last summer.

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