Step by step and simplified step versions
These are composed from a Windows Vista operating system – general steps should work with all systems
Step by Step
1 – Save the image to an easily located Folder and File on your computer – Folder Broken Sheaves – File RedLift will be easy to find with many open windows. I named this file Attach Instructions.

Number of downloads: 21
2 - Decide which Forum to use

Number of downloads: 28
3 – Push “Reply” in the selected topic – either button will work…the Reply/Attachment screen will appear – you can push Cancel at anytime

Number of downloads: 29
4 – The Reply screen has a number of features for posting – the circled area shows the Attachment Section

Number of downloads: 26
5 – Push the browse button (think of this as the “look at my Folders button”) this opens another window that shows your computer Folders….this is better than remembering that dang long file name!

Number of downloads: 28
6 – Browse feature gives you the “Choose File to Upload Screen” –
Title along with Folder are circled

Number of downloads: 22
7- Open the Folder you want and select your image File by: either double clicking or single clicking (single clickers then push save)

Number of downloads: 21
8 – After you have selected the image the file name will appear in the box – think of this is as “the file to be entered box”.
At this point you have searched, found and selected the image to be attached to your reply

Number of downloads: 19
9 – Now push the Attach button – this will “attach” the image to your reply – if you don’t push Attach no image will be attached…and no image will be seen

Number of downloads: 17
10 – After attaching the image to your reply, a small thumbnail of your “attachment” will appear in the Attachment area – think of this area as the Attachment Index

Number of downloads: 15
11- Push the Add/Reply button – the post with the attached image will be added to the topic

Number of downloads: 17
12 – Finished post

Number of downloads: 15
Extra Stuff
13 – Multiple images – You can attach multiple images to a reply (such as this) by repeating the steps above. You can place those images in any order in your topic by the Add to Post button…think of this as an attachment place holder. Also don’t forget the Delete button.

Number of downloads: 15
14 – Hints:
A - To reduce confusion - attach each image in the order that you would want to see them in your reply…this is particularly true if you have many lines of text and images.
B - You can add an attachment directly from your camera although it’s better to save the image to your computer first
C – Use descriptive words in naming your image file: “BrokenSheave7” is better than “00012a”
D – In your post creation its helpful if you compose the final draft of your reply in a program that has speling ) gramer chek # funkshuns to reduce most of the painful errors.
E – Use a system of unused characters as place holders for images in the final draft of your reply such as * $ %

Number of downloads: 13
F – When attaching images into a text area – images will be placed in the active cursor area …best to have the cursor on an empty line or between paragraphs or the image will split the text
G – It helps to change the “View” option of the file and enlarge the window if you’re selecting from a Folder with many images.In this image I have widened the view to full screen and the files to Large

Number of downloads: 10
H - Post then check for mistakes
Simplified Steps
1 Open
2 Find
3 Select
4 Attach
5 Send