This forum is designed for a little fun and relaxation, as well as testing your knowledge on specific trivia. If you have any general discussion about the images in the trivia forum, relocate the discussion to another part of the board, as these topics are deleted periodically to save on space.
The topics are open to everyone to answer. If you are requesting someone not to answer a trivia question, please make that request in a personal PM and not as part of the topic. Any requests to do so in a post, will be edited by the staff, by removing that request.
As for images, please refrain from uploading anything other than JPG and GIF, the other formats take up alot of storage space.
Also please acknowledge that not everyone knows everything about lifts, please make your trivia somewhat easy to try and figure out. A picture of a tower or chair with no unique surrounds (mountains, landmarks, etc) are virtually impossible to figure out unless you personally work on the mentioned equipment. Which doesn't make the trivia very much fun.
A purge is done every couple of days and if the post has no posts in 7 days, it will be moved to the archive section and wont be able to be answered. If you dont see posts on your trivia, perhaps a few hints every few days will help it get answered before being timed out.

Updated Trivia Rules & Requests
Started by Bill, Jan 22 2006 06:52 PM
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