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#1 Bill


  • Administrator II
  • 2,852 Posts:

Posted 16 February 2005 - 06:24 PM


Hello Friends. I want to take a moment to thank everyone for their creative input to the site and the forum. You have made it what it is today, a resource for people to get involved with skilifts and the like. I think most of my present users have done a fairly good job of educating the world (literally) and we have some of the most in depth information on skilifts than most other skilifts sites around the world.

The reason for my announcement is nothing more than a general concern. I started skilifts.org to be a resource to people to learn about lifts and lately I feel that the forum is steering away from this. This is nobody's fault, its just a natural evolution. I think its time I intervene and try to get it back on track.

First off, if we can try to stay on topic, it would help alot for people who visit to try find the information they are looking for. This has been a problem in the past and we have done a great job turning from it when it was mentioned before. I hope that is the same for this one.

Second, the board is not a "posting posting" board. We had problems in the past with posts being posted merely for advancing the number of posts. That isn't what this board is about, so please try to reply using meaningful replies and please avoid using Posted Image and :) by themselves in a post.

Third, a few posts are getting really hard to read with what I refer to "fast typing", this is when you type so fast that you forget words or or words run together. Spelling could also be improved if at all possible.

Lastly, keep the topics in the respected catagories, off-topic is going great but some of the other ones are starting to merge together. If you think I need better catagories and forum names and descriptions, please let me know.

Thank you again for reading this. Besides the few dedicated faithful users, we also have professional people visiting our sites for input and information. That is its number one reason. Please help me keep it that way.

Thanks again for your time.

- Bill Wolfe
Founder, Skilifts.org

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