Also named OHSU Tram (Oregon Health and Science University)
3300 ft long
500 ft rise
Amount of freeway lanes crossed in first 400' of slope length: 9
Secondary road crossings and intersections after freeway: 9
Highest point above ground: 178 feet
Tower 1 height: 197'
Capacity: 78
Cabin builder: Gangloff Cabins of Bern, Switzerland
Highest point above ground: 178 feet
Cabin designer: Angelil/Graham/Pfenniger/Scholl, based in Zurich, Switzerland
Cabin names – Walt and Jean
Walt Reynolds: First African American to graduate from OHSU
Jean Richardson: First female engineering graduate from Oregon State University
Derogatory banners on houses seen from the cabin: 0
Derogatory messages on houses seen from the cabin that were painted over: 2
Primary Drive: 600 HP DC
Evac Drive: Diesel Hydrostatic drive with 2nd standby hydrostatic backup
Top terminal is 140' tall and connects to the 9th floor of the hospital complex.
Cost: Initial est $15M… Final costs is somewhat intermingled with other hospital building construction but has been reported to be near $58M.
Vault Drive
Bottom terminal (cabin door) is at street level – there are no stairs at either terminal.
Picture is arranged so top is North and bottom is South
(Points just below Letters)
A – Bottom terminal – Large white roof above letter is a ship construction site.
B - Tower 1
C – Top terminal
Large red circle is the complex of hospitals.
If you look closely in the second image the tram crosses 9 lanes of freeway traffic.
Attached File(s)
Line_from_btm.jpg (424.35K)
Number of downloads: 190 -
9_traffic_lanes.jpg (805.75K)
Number of downloads: 218 -
Carriage___arm.jpg (191.07K)
Number of downloads: 214 -
Flyover.jpg (202.15K)
Number of downloads: 214