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Lift Engineering/Yan Master List

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#1 sheave

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Posted 20 November 2021 - 11:11 AM

I guess many of you know the infamous Excel file with all lifts LE/Yan ever made that is floating around the internet. I'm working on this for more than a year now trying to get it complete and correct - hell of a job. It's far from perfect and I haven't really made any significant update for this fall, but I guess it is already more valuable online than on my computer. As always, please be careful when using the information (especially when posting it in the comment section on Liftblog). If you see something that is wrong, let me know (also please name the source, ideally it's first hand and not just found on Google).

Timeline (work in progress)

1968 LE installed the first lifts.
1976 LE installed the first and only ski lift in South America at La Parva.
1996 LE filed for bankruptcy.


A few facts about the lifts
  • the initial lifts where mostly built with parts from Poma
  • some of the very first lifts are still running as of today
  • the very last ski lift (a fixed grip quad) was built in Janek's hometown in Poland and is still running
  • LE's "successor"/"subsidiary" Yantrak was involved in a few people mover and funicular railway projects
    Bellagio/Monte Carlo Resort APM (1998)
    Mammoth Mtn. APM (also known as the toaster)
    Angels Flight Railway
    Mirage/Treasure Island APM
    Getty Center Tram (1997)
  • LE did not only make chairlifts, they also built three jig-backs,
    The Ridge Gondola at Lake Tahoe
    The Grand Slam Tram at Circus Circus in Vegas (still runs at Water World in Denver)
    A private one in Talca, Chile (Chile is where LE also built its only ski lift in South America)
  • one T-bar at Val d'Isere, France (it was LE's only T-bar and its only glacier lift),
  • a "bobsled" lift at Mammoth,
  • a few platter lifts,
  • one Funitel/QMC,
  • two gondolas and
    Gold Coast at Squaw where Habegger and Giovanola were involved
    River Run at Keystone
  • one rope tow at Alta (there also was an almost identical one at Val d'Isere, but so far I don't know if this was built by LE).
  • LE installed lifts in seven countries (current known #): USA (279), France (25), Canada (22), Japan (7), Chile (2), Spain (1), Poland (1). The last country to join this list is Iran, but the lifts were relocated.
  • There were two versions of the detachable grip: YAN 7 and YAN 11. They are often confused. All Japanese lifts, the lift in Spain and 8 lifts in the US and Canada were type 11 (Quicksilver, XTC, River Run, Slingshot, Lookout Exp., Seattle Ridge, Frenchman's and Chair 16), the rest is type 7.

Master list

From To     Ctr  St  Location                     Inst.       LE?              Status      Type      Lift Name                                              Relocation to
1968 -      USA  CA  Mammoth Mtn.                 New         Yes              Operating   Platter   POMA #1                                                
1968 ?      USA  NV  Sky Tavern                   New         Yes              Removed     Platter   JUMP HILL                                              
1968 ?      USA  NV  Sky Tavern                   New         Yes              Removed     Platter   MAIN HILL 1                                            
1968 2020   USA  NV  Sky Tavern                   New         Yes              Removed     Platter   ROCCO 1                                                
1968 2020   USA  NV  Sky Tavern                   New         Yes              Removed     Platter   ROCCO 2                                                
1968 -      USA  CA  Squaw Valley                 New         Yes              Operating   Double    BAILEY`S BEACH                                         
1968 -      USA  CA  Squaw Valley                 New         Yes              Operating   Double    BELMONT (#302)                                         
1968 2012   USA  CA  Squaw Valley                 New         Yes              Removed     Double    LINKS (301)                                            
1969 ?      USA  NV  Sky Tavern                   New         Yes              Removed     Platter   MAIN HILL 2                                            
1969 ?      USA  CA  Heavenly Valley              New         Yes              Removed     Platter   POMA                                                   
1969 -      USA  CA  Mammoth Mtn.                 New         Yes              Operating   Double    Chair 8                                                
1969 2007   USA  CA  Mammoth Mtn.                 New         Yes              Removed     Double    Chair 9                                                
1969 1974   USA  CA  Sierra-at-Tahoe              New         Yes              Removed     Platter   POMA #2 / Chipmunk                                     
1969 1975   USA  CA  Sierra-at-Tahoe              New         Yes              Removed     Platter   POMA #2 / Blazer                                       
1969 -      USA  CA  Granlibakken                 New         Yes              Operating   Platter   Poma                                                   
1970        USA  CO  Aspen Wildcat Ranch          Stopped     Yes              Stopped     Double    1                                                      
1970        USA  CO  Aspen Wildcat Ranch          Stopped     Yes              Stopped     Platter   1                                                      
1970 1998   USA  CA  Mammoth Mtn.                 New         Yes              Removed     Double    Chair 10                                               
1970 -      USA  CA  Sierra-at-Tahoe              New         Yes              Operating   Double    2 / rock garden chair / Rock Garden                    
1971 -      USA  CA  Alpine Meadows               New         Yes              Operating   Double    Meadow                                                 
1971 ?      USA  NV  Mt. Rose                     New         Yes              Removed     Platter   #1                                                     
1971        USA  CA  Snow Flower                  New                                      Platter   #1                                                     
1971 1999   USA  CA  Squaw Valley                 New         Yes              Removed     Double    GOLD COAST                                             
1972 -      USA  CA  Alpine Meadows               New         Yes              Operating   Double    Yellow                                                 
1972 1994   USA  CA  Kirkwood                     New         Yes              Removed     Double    1 / Snowkirk                                           
1972 -      USA  CA  Kirkwood                     New         Yes              Operating   Double    2 / Caples Crest                                       
1972 -      USA  CA  Kirkwood                     New         Yes              Operating   Double    3 / Iron Horse                                         
1972 1998   USA  CA  Kirkwood                     New         Yes              Removed     Double    4 / Sunrise                                            
1972 1999   USA  CA  Mammoth Mtn.                 New         Yes              Removed     Double    Chair 11                                               
1972 -      USA  CA  Mammoth Mtn.                 New         Yes              Operating   Double    Chair 12                                               
1972 -      USA  CA  Mammoth Mtn.                 New         Yes              Operating   Double    Chair 13                                               
1972 -      USA  CA  Mammoth Mtn.                 New         Yes              Operating   Double    Chair 14                                               
1972 1989   USA  CA  Sierra-at-Tahoe              New         Yes              Removed     Double    3 / TAHOE QUEEN CHAIR                                  
1973 1998   USA  CA  Alpine Meadows               New         Yes              Removed     Double    Scott                                                  
1973 2004   USA  UT  Alta                         New         Yes              Relocated   Double    COLLINS                                                Sluice Goose Caboose, Showdown, MT
1973 1998   USA  CO  Copper Mtn.                  New         Yes              Removed     Double    B-1                                                    
1973 1994   USA  CO  Copper Mtn.                  New         Yes              Removed     Double    I                                                      MOUNTAIN CHIEF
1973 200?   CAN  **  Edelweiss Valley             New         Yes              Removed     Double    NO NAME                                                
1973 -      USA  CA  Kirkwood                     New         Yes              Operating   Double    5 / Solitude                                           
1973 2000   USA  CA  Kirkwood                     New         Yes              Relocated   Double    6 / Cornice                                            Headwaters, Big Sky, MT
1973 2017   USA  CA  Snow Valley                  New         Yes              Removed     Double    1                                                      
1973 1999   USA  CA  Snow Valley                  New         Yes              Removed     Double    5                                                      
1973 1983   USA  CA  Snow Valley                  New         Yes              Removed     Double    6                                                      
1974 1991   USA  UT  Alta                         New         Yes              Relocated   Double    GERMANIA                                               Harry`s Dream, Beaver Mtn., UT
1974 2007   USA  UT  Brighton                     New         Yes              Removed     Double    MILLICENT                                              
1974 2003   USA  CO  Keystone                     New         Yes              Removed     Double    packsaddle (II)                                        
1974 2000   USA  CA  Mammoth Mtn.                 New         Yes              Removed     Double    Chair 15                                               
1974 1994   USA  CA  Mammoth Mtn.                 New         Yes              Removed     Double    Chair 16                                               
1974 ?      USA  CA  Bear Valley (Mt. Reba)       New         Yes              Removed     Platter   NO NAME                                                
1974 1989   USA  UT  Park City                    New         Yes              Removed     Double    Prospector                                             
1974 1991   USA  CA  Sierra-at-Tahoe              New         Yes              Removed     Double    4 / LITTLE CHIPMUNK CHAIR                              
1974 2013   USA  CA  Squaw Valley                 New         Yes              Removed     Double    CORNICE II                                             
1974 1983   USA  CA  Squaw Valley                 New         Yes              Relocated   Double    EAST BROADWAY                                          Mt. Baldy, CA
1974 1999   USA  CA  Squaw Valley                 New         Yes              Removed     Double    HEADWALL                                               
1974 2011   USA  CA  Squaw Valley                 New         Yes              Removed     Double    MAINLINE                                               
1974 -      USA  CA  Squaw Valley                 New         Yes              Operating   Double    OLYMPIC LADY                                           
1974 1986   USA  CA  Squaw Valley                 New         Yes              Relocated   Double    SHIRLEY LAKE                                           BROKEN ARROW
1974 -      USA  CO  Steamboat                    New         Yes              Operating   Double    BASHOR                                                 
1974 ?      USA  CA  Green Valley                 New         Yes              Removed     Platter   ?                                                      
1975 -      USA  CA  Alpine Meadows               New         Yes              Operating   Double    Kangaroo                                               
1975 -      USA  CA  Homewood                     New         Yes              Operating   Platter   Happy Platter North                                    
1975 2001   USA  CA  Homewood                     New         Yes              Removed     Platter   Happy Platter South                                    
1975 -      USA  CO  Lake Eldora                  New         Yes              Operating   Double    SUNDANCE                                               
1975 2011   USA  CA  Mammoth Mtn.                 New         Yes              Removed     Double    Chair 5                                                
1975 -      USA  CA  Mammoth Mtn.                 New         Yes              Removed     Platter   1a                                                     
1975 -      USA  UT  Park City                    New         Yes              Operating   Double    Thaynes                                                
1975 ?      USA  CA  Sierra-at-Tahoe              New         Yes              Removed     Double    5                                                      
1975 1991   USA  CA  Sierra-at-Tahoe              New         Yes              Removed     Double    5 / BLUE JAY                                           
1975 199?   USA  CA  Snow Valley                  New         Yes              Removed     Double    7                                                      
1975 2007   USA  CO  Vail                         New         Yes              Relocated   Triple    14 / SOURDOUGH                                         LITTLE EAGLE
1975 2007   USA  CO  Vail                         New         Yes              Removed     Double    15 / LITTLE EAGLE                                      
1975 2006   FRA  **  Val d`Isere                  New         Yes              Removed     Double    CUGNAI                                                 
1975 1994   FRA  **  Val d`Isere                  New         Yes              Removed     Double    MANCHET                                                
1975 1994   FRA  **  Val Thorens                  New         Yes              Removed     Double    COL                                                    
1975 1994   FRA  **  Val Thorens                  New         Yes              Removed     Double    MORAINE                                                
1976 -      USA  UT  Alta                         New         Yes              Operating   Double    ALBION                                                 
1976 1999   USA  ID  Bogus Basin                  New         Yes              Removed     Double    Pine Creek                                             
1976 2011   USA  CO  Copper Mtn.                  New         Yes              Removed     Double    H / HIGH POINT                                         
1976 1998   USA  CA  Heavenly Valley              New         Yes              Removed     Double    STAGE COACH                                            
1976        USA  CO  Keystone                     New         Yes                          Double    go devil / packsaddle I                                
1976 1997   USA  CO  Keystone                     New         Yes              Removed     Double    ida belle                                              
1976 -      USA  CO  Keystone                     New         Yes              Operating   Double    checkerboard / discovery                               
1976 2005   USA  CA  Kirkwood                     New         Yes              Removed     Double    7 / Hole `N` Wall                                      
1976 1984   USA  CA  Kirkwood                     New         Yes              Removed     Platter   8 / Hay Flat                                           
1976 2009   FRA  **  Courchevel                   New         Yes              Removed     Double    Roc Mugnier / Praméruel                                
1976 -      USA  UT  Park City                    New         Yes              Operating   Double    Jupiter                                                
1976 2008   USA  UT  Park City                    New         Yes              Relocated   Double    Ski Team                                               Jubilee, Ski Discovery, MT
1976 -      CHL  **  La Parva                     New         Yes              Operating   Platter   Parva Chica                                            
1976 1985   USA  CO  Vail                         New         Yes              Removed     Double    16 / VAIL VILLAGE                                      
1976 1989   USA  CO  Vail                         New         Yes              Removed     Double    17 / UPPER MID-VAIL                                    
1976 1989   USA  CO  Vail                         New         Yes              Removed     Double    2 / AVANTI                                             
1976 1985   USA  CO  Vail                         New         Yes              Removed     Triple    4 / MOUNTAIN TOP                                       
1976 ?      FRA  **  Val d`Isere                  New         Yes              Removed     Double    PYLONES                                                
1977 1994   USA  CO  Copper Mtn.                  New         Yes              Relocated   Double    J                                                      BLACK JACK
1977 -      USA  CO  Keystone                     New         Yes              Operating   Double    argentine                                              
1977 2011   USA  VT  Killington                   New         Yes              Removed     Triple    SOUTH RIDGE                                            
1977 -      USA  CA  Kirkwood                     New         Yes              Operating   Double    9 / Bunny (Chair)                                      
1977 -      USA  CO  Loveland (Basin & Valley)    New         Yes              Operating   Double    6                                                      
1977 -      USA  CA  Mountain High                New         Yes              Operating   Double    CHAIR #1 / COYOTE                                      
1977 1995   USA  OR  Mt. Hood                     New         Yes              Relocated   Double    HOOD RIVER MEADOWS                                     HEATHER CANYON
1977 -      USA  CO  Steamboat                    New         Yes              Operating   Double    BAR-UE                                                 
1977 1992   USA  CO  Steamboat                    New         Yes              Removed     Double    WJW                                                    
1977 2007   USA  ID  Sun Valley                   New         Yes              Removed     Double    Dollar                                                 
1977 2009   USA  ID  Sun Valley                   New         Yes              Relocated   Triple    Exhibition                                             Silver Chief, Ski Discovery, MT
1977 -      USA  CO  Winter Park                  New         Yes              Operating   Double    ARROW                                                  
1978 1992   USA  UT  Alta                         New         Yes              Removed     Double    SUGARLOAF                                              
1978 2010   USA  CO  Arapahoe Basin               New         Yes              Removed     Triple    Exhibition                                             
1978 2020   USA  CO  Arapahoe Basin               New         Yes              Removed     Double    Pallavicini                                            
1978 2018   USA  CO  Arapahoe Basin               New         Yes              Removed     Double    Norway                                                 
1978 2008   USA  CA  Boreal Ridge                 New         Yes              Removed     Double    2 ½ / Gunnar`s                                         
1978 -      USA  UT  Brianhead                    New         Yes              Operating   Triple    3 / BLACK FOOT                                         
1978 1998   USA  CA  Heavenly Valley              New         Yes              Removed     Triple    GUNBARREL                                              
1978 -      USA  OR  Mt. Ashland                  New         Yes              Operating   Double    BIG "T" BAR / WINDSOR                                  
1978 2011   USA  VT  Mt. Snow                     New         Yes              Removed     Triple    17 / Summit (Local)                                    
1978 -      USA  CA  Sierra-at-Tahoe              New         Yes              Operating   Double    TAHOE KING                                             
1978 -      USA  CA  Sierra-at-Tahoe              New         Yes              Operating   Double    NOB HILL                                               
1978 -      USA  NV  Diamond Peak (Ski Incline)   New         Yes              Operating   Double    B / SCHOOL HOUSE                                       
1978 1989   USA  CA  Squaw Valley                 New         Yes              Relocated   Triple    SUPER SQUAW                                            LOST LAKE
1978 -      USA  ID  Sun Valley                   New         Yes              Operating   Double    Half Dollar                                            
1978 -      USA  ID  Sun Valley                   New         Yes              Operating   Triple    Mayday                                                 
1978 2014   USA  ID  Sun Valley                   New         Yes              Removed     Triple    Sunnyside                                              
1978 2005   FRA  **  Val d`Isere                  New         Yes              Removed     T-Bar     MONTET                                                 
1978 2004   USA  CO  Winter Park                  New         Yes              Relocated   Triple    OUTRIGGER (#5)                                         
1978 2020   USA  CO  Arapahoe Basin               New         Yes              Removed     Double    MOLLY HOGAN                                            
1979 -      USA  CA  Alpine Meadows               New         Yes              Operating   Double    Subway                                                 
1979 -      USA  CA  Boreal Ridge                 New         Yes              Operating   Triple    (Lost / Flying) Dutchman                               
1979 -      USA  CO  Copper Mtn.                  New         Yes              Operating   Double    A / ALPINE                                             
1979 -      USA  VT  Killington                   New         Yes              Operating   Triple    BEAR MOUNTAIN                                          
1979 2004   USA  CA  Mammoth Mtn.                 New         Yes              Removed     Triple    Chair 17                                               
1979 1997   USA  CA  Mammoth Mtn.                 New         Yes              Removed     Triple    Chair 18                                               
1979 ?      USA  CA  Mammoth Mtn.                 New         Yes              Removed     Double    Chair 19                                               
1979 -      USA  CA  Mountain High                New         Yes              Operating   Double    CHAIR #1 / ROADRUNNER                                  
1979 2017   USA  OR  Mt. Hood                     New         Yes              Removed     Double    BEGINNER / BUTTERCUP                                   
1979 -      USA  CA  Northstar                    New         Yes              Operating   Triple    L / RENDEZVOUS                                         
1979 -      USA  NV  Diamond Peak (Ski Incline)   New         Yes              Operating   Double    WIGGLE / RED FOX                                       
1979 2017   USA  CA  Snow Valley                  New         Yes              Removed     Double    10                                                     
1979 -      USA  CA  Snow Valley                  New         Yes              Operating   Triple    11                                                     
1979 1986   USA  CA  Snow Valley                  New         Yes              Removed     Double    12                                                     
1979 -      USA  CA  Snow Valley                  New         Yes              Operating   Double    8                                                      
1979 -      USA  CA  Snow Valley                  New         Yes              Operating   Double    9                                                      
1979 -      USA  CA  Soda Springs                 New         Yes              Operating   Double    1 / Lion`s Head                                        
1979 -      USA  CA  Soda Springs                 New         Yes              Operating   Triple    2 / Crystal Bowl                                       
1979 1991   USA  CA  Soda Springs                 New         Yes              Removed     Triple    3                                                      
1979 2007   USA  CO  Steamboat                    New         Yes              Relocated   Triple    SOUTHFACE                                              PREVIEW
1979 -      USA  CO  Steamboat                    New         Yes              Operating   Triple    CHRISTY III                                            
1979 1997   USA  CO  Steamboat                    New         Yes              Relocated   Triple    ARROWHEAD                                              Short Cut, Park City, UT
1980        USA  CA  Alpine Meadows               New         Yes              Operating   Double    Alpine Bowl                                            
1980 -      USA  UT  Alta                         New         Yes              Operating   Double    WILDCAT                                                
1980 1994   CAN  **  Whistler-Blackcomb           New         Yes              Relocated   Triple    2 / CRUISER                                            
1980 1994   CAN  **  Whistler-Blackcomb           New         Yes              Relocated   Triple    3 / STOKER                                             
1980 2018   CAN  **  Whistler-Blackcomb           New         Yes              Removed     Triple    4 / CATSKINNER                                         
1980 1987   CAN  **  Whistler-Blackcomb           New         Yes              Relocated   Double    5 / (SKIDDER)                                          MAGIC
1980 1994   CAN  **  Whistler-Blackcomb           New         Yes              Removed     Triple    1 / FITZSIMMONS                                        
1980 2019   USA  UT  Brianhead                    New         Yes              Removed     Triple    4 / NAVAJO                                             
1980 2003   USA  CA  Heavenly Valley              New         Yes              Removed     Triple    CANYON                                                 
1980 1997   USA  CO  Keystone                     New         Yes              Relocated   Triple    erickson                                               Granite, Ski Discovery, MT
1980 -      USA  CO  Lake Eldora                  New         Yes              Operating   Double    7 / CARIBOU                                            
1980 -      USA  CA  Mammoth Mtn.                 New         Yes              Operating   Triple    Chair 20                                               
1980 -      USA  CA  Mammoth Mtn.                 New         Yes              Operating   Triple    Chair 21                                               
1980 -      USA  OR  Mt. Bachelor                 New         Yes              Operating   Triple    FLYCREEK / CLOUD 9 / RAINBOW                           
1980 -      USA  OR  Mt. Bachelor                 New         Yes              Operating   Triple    RED                                                    
1980 -      USA  NV  Mt. Rose                     New         Yes              Operating   Triple    Lakeview                                               
1980 2015   USA  UT  Park City                    New         Yes              Removed     Triple    Motherlode                                             
1980 -      USA  CA  Sierra-at-Tahoe              New         Yes              Operating   Double    ELDORADO CHAIRLIFT / El Dorado                         
1980 -      USA  CA  Sierra-at-Tahoe              New         Yes              Operating   Double    SHORT STUFF CHARILIFT / Short Stuff                    
1980 2002   FRA  **  Tignes                       New         Yes              Removed     Triple    TOMMEUSE #1                                            
1980 2002   FRA  **  Tignes                       New         Yes              Removed     Triple    TOMMEUSE #2                                            
1980 2001   FRA  **  Val d`Isere                  New         Yes              Removed     Double    PISSAILLAS                                             
1980 2018   FRA  **  Val d`Isere                  New         Yes              Removed     Triple    ÉTROITS                                                
1980 1988   CAN  **  Whistler-Blackcomb           New         Yes              Removed     Triple    VILLAGE                                                
1980 2000   CAN  **  Whistler-Blackcomb           New         Yes              Removed     Triple    BLACK                                                  
1980 -      CAN  **  Whistler-Blackcomb           New         Yes              Operating   Triple    OLYMPIC                                                
1980 2001   FRA  **  Val d`Isere                  New         Yes              Removed     Triple    GLACIERS                                               
1980 2003   FRA  **  Val d`Isere                  New         Yes              Removed     Double    LEISSIERES                                             
1980 ?      FRA  **  Tignes                       New         ?                ?           Triple    GRANDE MOTTE I                                         
1981 2001   USA  UT  Alta                         New         Yes              Removed     Double    SUPREME                                                
1981 2017   USA  UT  Alta                         New         Yes              Removed     Double    CECRET                                                 
1981 2016   USA  CA  Boreal Ridge                 New         Yes              Removed     Double    2 ¼ / Nugget                                           
1981 -      USA  UT  Brianhead                    New         Yes              Operating   Triple    5 / ROULETTE                                           
1981 1999   USA  UT  Deer Valley                  New         Yes              Relocated   Triple    Homestake                                              Little Chief
1981 1997   USA  UT  Deer Valley                  New         Yes              Relocated   Triple    Wasatch                                                Quincy
1981 2005   USA  UT  Deer Valley                  New         Yes              Relocated   Triple    Sultan                                                 TIMBERLINE, Northstar, CA
1981 1990   USA  UT  Deer Valley                  New         Yes              Removed     Triple    Carpenter                                              
1981 -      USA  UT  Deer Valley                  New         Yes              Operating   Double    Burns                                                  
1981 -      USA  CA  Dodge Ridge                  New         Yes              Operating   Triple    3                                                      
1981 2018   USA  CO  Loveland (Basin & Valley)    New         Yes              Removed     Triple    1                                                      
1981 1993   USA  OR  Mt. Bachelor                 New         Yes              Removed     Triple    AVALANCHE / QUICK SILVER / SUNRISE                     CARROUSEL
1981 1993   USA  OR  Mt. Bachelor                 New         Yes              Removed     Double    YELLOW                                                 
1981 -      USA  CA  Bear Valley (Mt. Reba)       New         Yes              Operating   Triple    KUMA                                                   
1981 -      USA  CA  Bear Valley (Mt. Reba)       New         Yes              Operating   Triple    POOH BEAR                                              
1981 1997   USA  UT  Park City                    New         Yes              Removed     Triple    Payday                                                 
1981 -      USA  CA  Snow Valley                  New         Yes              Operating   Triple    3                                                      
1981 1983   USA  CA  Squaw Valley                 New         Yes              Removed     Double    EMIGRANT                                               
1981        CHL  **  Talca                        New         Yes                          Tramway   TALCA TRAMWAY                                          
1981 2008   FRA  **  Tignes                       New         Yes              Removed     Triple    TUFS                                                   
1981 2008   FRA  **  Val d`Isere                  New         Yes              Removed     Triple    MARMOTTES                                              
1981 -      FRA  **  Val d`Isere                  New         Yes              Operating   Triple    MONT BLANC I                                           
1981 -      USA  CA  Badger Pass                  New         Yes              Operating   Double    Bruin (BEGINNER)                                       
1981 -      USA  CA  Badger Pass                  New         Yes              Operating   Double    Bruin                                                  
1982 1989   CAN  **  Whistler-Blackcomb           New         Yes              Relocated   Triple    6 / JERSERY CREAM                                      CRYSTAL
1982 2012   FRA  **  Les Contamines-Montjoie      New         Yes              Removed     Triple    Bûche Croisée                                          
1982 -      USA  CO  Copper Mtn.                  New         Yes              Operating   Triple    R / RENDEZVOUS                                         
1982 2006   USA  UT  Deer Valley                  New         Yes              Removed     Triple    Sterling                                               
1982 -      USA  CA  Heavenly Valley              New         Yes              Operating   Triple    PATSY`S                                                
1982 2004   USA  CA  Heavenly Valley              New         Yes              Removed     Triple    WATERFALL                                              
1982 -      USA  VT  Killington                   New         Yes              Operating   Triple    NORTHEAST PASSAGE / SUNRISE VILLAGE                    
1982 -      CAN  **  Lake Louise                  New         Yes              Operating   Triple    Paradise                                               
1982 -      USA  CO  Loveland (Basin & Valley)    New         Yes              Operating   Double    7                                                      
1982 -      USA  CA  Mammoth Mtn.                 New         Yes              Operating   Triple    Chair 22                                               
1982 -      USA  CA  Mammoth Mtn.                 New         Yes              Operating   Triple    Chair 23                                               
1982 -      USA  VT  Mt. Snow                     New         Yes              Operating   Triple    10 / Challenger                                        
1982 1992   USA  CA  Sierra-at-Tahoe              New         Yes              Removed     Triple    COUGAR                                                 
1982 1999   USA  CO  Granby Ranch (Silver Creek)  New         Yes              Removed     Triple    Expedition (Eastridge)                                 
1982 -      USA  CO  Granby Ranch (Silver Creek)  New         Yes              Operating   Triple    Conquest (Westridge)                                   
1982 -      USA  CO  Granby Ranch (Silver Creek)  New         Yes              Operating   Double    Milestone (Beginner)                                   
1982 -      USA  CA  Squaw Valley                 New         Yes              Operating   Triple    GRANITE CHIEF                                          
1982 -      USA  AZ  Sunrise                      New         Yes              Operating   Triple    4 / H / Fort Apache 4                                  
1982 -      USA  AZ  Sunrise                      New         Yes              Operating   Triple    5 / G / Geronimo 5                                     
1982 1992   FRA  **  Tignes                       New         Yes              Removed     Triple    LES LANCHES                                            
1982 2006   FRA  **  Tignes                       New         Yes              Removed     Triple    PALAFOUR #1                                            
1982 2006   FRA  **  Tignes                       New         Yes              Removed     Triple    PALAFOUR #2                                            
1983 2014   USA  UT  Brianhead                    New         Yes              Removed     Triple    2 / GIANT STEPS                                        
1983 -      USA  UT  Brianhead                    New         Yes              Operating   Double    7 / PIONEER                                            
1983 -      USA  UT  Brianhead                    New         Yes              Operating   Triple    6 / THE DUNES                                          
1983 -      USA  CO  Copper Mtn.                  New         Yes              Operating   Triple    S / SIERRA                                             
1983 1992   USA  CA  Heavenly Valley              New         Yes              Removed     Triple    SKY                                                    
1983 2008   USA  VT  Killington                   New         Yes              Removed     Quad      DEVIL`S FIDDLE                                         
1983 -      USA  CA  Mountain High                New         Yes              Operating   Quad      DISCOVERY                                              
1983 1993   USA  CA  Northstar                    New         Yes              Removed     Triple    SCHAFFER CAMP                                          
1983 -      USA  CA  Snow Valley                  New         Yes              Operating   Triple    2                                                      
1983 -      USA  CA  Snow Valley                  New         Yes              Operating   Double    6                                                      
1983 2012   USA  CA  Squaw Valley                 New         Yes              Removed     Triple    EAST BROADWAY                                          
1983 -      USA  CA  Squaw Valley                 New         Yes              Operating   Triple    EMIGRANT                                               
1983 1985   USA  CA  Squaw Valley                 New         Yes              Removed     Gondola   GOLD COAST                                             
1983        USA  CO  Steamboat                    New         Yes              Relocated   Triple    STORM PEAK                                             FOUR POINTS
1983 1992   USA  CO  Steamboat                    New         Yes              Relocated   Triple    SUNDOWN                                                CANYON, Killington, VT
1983 2017   USA  AZ  Sunrise                      New         Yes              Removed     Triple    6 / 7 / Cyclone 6                                      
1983 1990   USA  CO  Winter Park                  New         Yes              Relocated   Triple    Zephyr                                                 Eskimo
1984 1998   USA  CO  Copper Mtn.                  New         Yes              Removed     Triple    E                                                      
1984 -      USA  UT  Deer Valley                  New         Yes              Operating   Triple    Mayflower                                              
1984 2000   USA  UT  Deer Valley                  New         Yes              Relocated   Triple    Clipper                                                Anaconda, Ski Discovery, MT
1984 1986   USA  CO  Keystone                     New         Yes              Removed     Gondola   river run gondola                                      
1984 2000   USA  CO  Keystone                     New         Yes              Relocated   Triple    teller / ruby                                          Marge`s, Beaver Mtn, UT
1984 1998   USA  CO  Keystone                     New         Yes              Relocated   Triple    santiago                                               Lone Moose, Big Sky, MT
1984 2008   USA  VT  Killington                   New         Yes              Removed     Quad      SKYE PEAK                                              
1984 -      USA  CA  Kirkwood                     New         Yes              Operating   Triple    10 / Wagon Wheel „The Wall“                            
1984 -      USA  CA  Mammoth Mtn.                 New         Yes              Operating   Triple    Chair 7                                                
1984 2000   USA  NV  Mt. Rose                     New         Yes              Relocated   Triple    Northwest Passage                                      America, Sky Tavern, NV
1984 -      USA  NV  Mt. Rose                     New         Yes              Operating   Triple    Galena                                                 
1984 -      USA  VT  Mt. Snow                     New         Yes              Operating   Triple    7 / Sundance                                           
1984 1997   USA  VT  Mt. Snow                     New         Yes              Relocated   Triple    8 / Beaver                                             Tumbleweed
1984 -      USA  ID  Pebble Creek                 Relocation  Yes              Operating   Double    Aspen                                                  
1984 2016   USA  CO  Steamboat                    New         Yes              Relocated   Quad      ELKHEAD                                                2 Buckhorn, China Peak, CA                                                
1984 2007   USA  CO  Steamboat                    New         Yes              Removed     Double    PREVIEW                                                
1984 -      USA  CO  Steamboat                    New         Yes              Operating   Triple    SOUTH PEAK                                             
1984 -      USA  CO  Winter Park                  Relocation  Heron-Poma       Operating   Double    Discovery (Apollo Flats)                               
1984 1997   FRA  **  Tignes                       New         Skirail          Removed     Quad      BOLLIN                                                 
1985 -      USA  CO  Loveland (Basin & Valley)    New         Yes              Operating   Triple    2                                                      
1985 1997   USA  CA  Mammoth Mtn.                 New         Yes              Removed     Quad      Chair 2                                                
1985 2000   USA  CA  Mammoth Mtn.                 New         Yes              Removed     Quad      Chair 24                                               
1985 -      USA  CA  Mammoth Mtn.                 New         Yes              Operating   Quad      Chair 25                                               
1985 -      USA  VT  Mt. Snow                     New         Yes              Operating   Triple    9 / Standard / EGO ALLEY                               
1985        USA  NV  Ridge Tahoe                  New         Yes              Removed     Tramway   The Ridge Gondola                                      
1985 -      USA  CA  Sierra-at-Tahoe              New         Yes              Operating   Triple    Puma                                                   
1985        USA  CA  Snow Valley                  New         Yes                          Triple    1                                                      
1985 -      USA  CA  Snow Valley                  New         Yes              Operating   Triple    13                                                     
1985 2016   USA  UT  Sundance                     New         Yes              Removed     Triple    ARROWHEAD                                              
1985 2002   USA  AZ  Sunrise                      New         Yes              Removed     Triple    7 / Eagle Feather 6                                    
1985 -      FRA  **  Val d`Isere                  New         Montaval         Operating   Quad      VILLAGE                                                
1986 2008   USA  CA  Badger Pass                  New         Yes              Removed     Triple    Eagle                                                  
1986 -      USA  CA  June Mtn.                    New         Yes              Operating   HSQ       6 / J6                                                 
1986 1996   USA  CA  June Mtn.                    New         Yes              Removed     QMC       QMC                                                    
1986 -      USA  CA  Kirkwood                     New         Yes              Operating   Triple    11 / The Reut                                          
1986 -      USA  CA  Snow Valley                  New         Yes              Operating   Double    12                                                     
1986 2001   USA  CA  Sugar Bowl                   New         Yes              Removed     Quad      SILVER BELT                                            
1987        USA  CA  Bridgeport                   New         Yes              ?           Platter   US Marine Corp.                                        
1987 -      USA  VT  Killington                   New         Yes              Operating   HSQ       SUPERSTAR                                              
1987 -      USA  VT  Killington                   New         Yes              Operating   HSQ       SHOWSHED                                               
1987 -      USA  VT  Killington                   New         Yes              Operating   Double    SNOWSHED 1                                             
1987 2016   USA  VT  Killington                   New         Yes              Removed     Double    SNOWSHED 2                                             
1987 -      USA  VT  Mt. Snow                     New         Yes              Operating   HSQ       11 / Yankee Clipper / Clipper / GRAND SUMMIT EXPRESSS  
1987 -      USA  VT  Mt. Snow                     New         Yes              Operating   Double    3 / Fairway / HEAVY METAL                              
1987 -      USA  VT  Pico Peak                    New         Yes              Operating   HSQ       Golden Express                                         
1987 -      USA  ME  Sunday River                 New         Yes              Operating   HSQ       Barker Mountain Express                                
1987 -      USA  ME  Sunday River                 New         Yes              Operating   Quad      Little White Cap / White Cap                           
1987 -      CAN  **  Whistler-Blackcomb           Relocation  Yes              Operating   Double    MAGIC                                                  
1988 -      USA  CA  June Mtn.                    New         Yes              Operating   HSQ       7 / J7                                                 
1988 -      USA  CA  Mammoth Mtn.                 New         Yes              Operating   HSQ       Chair 1                                                
1988 2008   USA  CA  Mammoth Mtn.                 New         Yes              Relocated   Double    Chair 26                                               Sheepeater, Sleeping Giant
1988 -      USA  VT  Pico Peak                    New         Yes              Operating   HSQ       Summit Express                                         
1988 -      CAN  **  Ski Montcalm                 New         Yes              Operating   Quad      Quad / A / Télésiege quadruple                         
1988 -      USA  ID  Sun Valley                   New         Yes              Operating   HSQ       Challenger                                             
1988 -      USA  ID  Sun Valley                   New         Yes              Operating   HSQ       Christmas                                              
1988 -      USA  ID  Sun Valley                   New         Yes              Operating   HSQ       Greyhawk                                               
1988 -      USA  ME  Sunday River                 New         Yes              Operating   Quad      White Cap (D) / Little White Cap                       
1988 -      USA  ME  Sunday River                 New         Yes              Operating   Quad      White Heat (E)                                         
1988 1995   USA  CO  Vail                         New         ?                Removed     Quad      3 / HUNKY DORY                                         
1989 1996   USA  CA  Alpine Meadows               New         Yes              Removed     HSQ       AM Express                                             
1989 2009   USA  CA  Boreal Ridge                 New         Yes              Removed     Quad      Quicksilver                                            
1989 2004   CAN  **  Lake Louise                  New         Yes              Removed     HSQ       Friendly Giant                                         
1989 2002   CAN  **  Lake Louise                  New         Yes              Removed     HSQ       Top of the World                                       
1989 1996   USA  UT  Park City                    New         Yes              Removed     HSQ       Prospector                                             
1989 1996   USA  CA  Sierra-at-Tahoe              New         Yes              Removed     HSQ       Sensation                                              
1989 1997   CAN  **  Whistler-Blackcomb           New         Yes              Removed     HSQ       GREEN EXPRESS                                          
1989 -      USA  CA  Squaw Valley                 Relocation  Yes              Operating   Double    BROKEN ARROW                                           
1989 2012   USA  CA  Squaw Valley                 Relocation  Yes              Relocated   Double    HIGH CAMP                                              MOUNTAIN MEADOW
1989 1993   USA  CA  Squaw Valley                 Relocation  Yes              Relocated   Triple    LOST LAKE                                              SILVERADO
1989 2000   USA  CA  Squaw Valley                 Relocation  Yes              Removed     Double    PAPOOSE                                                
1989 1997   USA  UT  Park City                    ?           Yes              Removed     Quad      Crescent                                               
1989 2013   CAN  **  Whistler-Blackcomb           Relocation  Yes              Removed     Triple    CRYSTAL                                                
1989 -      USA  AZ  Sunrise                      Relocation  Yes              Operating   Double    2 / Pony                                               
1990 1996   USA  UT  Deer Valley                  New         Yes              Removed     HSQ       Carpenter                                              
1990 -      USA  UT  Deer Valley                  New         Yes              Operating   Triple    Crown Point                                            
1990 -      USA  UT  Deer Valley                  New         Yes              Operating   Triple    Red Cloud                                              
1990 -      USA  UT  Deer Valley                  New         Yes              Operating   Triple    Viking                                                 
1990 2006   CAN  **  Kimberley                    New         Yes              Relocated   Triple    Rosa                                                   Flower Point – Whitefish Mountain
1990 ?      JPN  **  Kitz Meadows                 New         Yes              Removed     Double    F No. 1                                                
1990 ?      JPN  **  Kitz Meadows                 New         Yes              Removed     HSQ       Short                                                  
1990 ?      JPN  **  Kitz Meadows                 New         Yes              Removed     HSQ       Long                                                   
1990 -      USA  CO  Loveland (Basin & Valley)    New         Yes              Operating   Quad      8                                                      
1990 -      USA  ID  Schweitzer                   New         Yes              Operating   HSQ       Great Escape                                           
1990 2007   CAN  **  Silver Star                  New         Yes              Removed     Quad      Silver Queen (Quadette)                                
1990 ?      JPN  **  Sugadaira                    New         Yes              Removed     HSQ       Tarou 4                                                
1990 -      USA  VT  Killington                   Relocation  Yes              Operating   Quad      CANYON                                                 
1990 1999   USA  CO  Winter Park                  Relocation  Yes              Removed     Triple    Eskimo                                                 Sweetwater (Pine Creek)
1991        USA  CA  Boreal Ridge                 New         Yes                          Triple    1                                                      
1991 2008   CAN  **  Lake Louise                  New         Yes              Removed     Quad      Ptarmigan                                              
1991        USA  CA  Mammoth Lakes                New         Yes                          Surface   Bobsled                                                
1991 1996   USA  CA  Sierra-at-Tahoe              New         Yes              Removed     HSQ       XTC                                                    
1991 2002   CAN  **  Silver Star                  New         Yes              Relocated   HSQ       Putnam Creek                                           Sabalan, Iran
1991 2002   CAN  **  Silver Star                  New         Yes              Relocated   HSQ       Vance Creek                                            Forest Park Chairlift, Nazhvan, Iran
1991 ?      JPN  **  Sugadaira                    New         Yes              Removed     HSQ       Davos                                                  
1991 -      USA  ME  Sunday River                 New         Yes              Operating   Quad      Aurora Peak                                            
1991 1996   CAN  **  Whistler-Blackcomb           New         Yes              Removed     HSQ       QUICKSILVER EXPRESS                                    
1991 1997   CAN  **  Whistler-Blackcomb           New         Yes              Removed     HSQ       REDLINE EXPRESS                                        
1992 2001   USA  UT  Alta                         New         Yes              Relocated   Triple    SUGERLOAF                                              SUPREME
1992 -      USA  UT  Alta                         New         Yes              Operating   Rope Tow  TRANSFER TOW                                           
1992 2019   ESP  **  Espot                        New         Yes              Removed     HSQ       Super Espot                                            
1992 2004   USA  CA  Heavenly Valley              New         Yes              Removed     Triple    POWDER BOWL                                            
1992 -      USA  CA  Heavenly Valley              New         Yes              Operating   Triple    GROOVE                                                 
1992 1996   USA  CA  Sierra-at-Tahoe              New         Yes              Removed     HSQ       Slingshot                                              
1992 -      USA  ID  Sun Valley                   New         Yes              Operating   HSQ       River Run                                              
1992        JPN  **  Takasu                       New         Yes                          HSQ       No. 2                                                  
1992        JPN  **  Tsumagoi                     New         Yes                          HSQ       No. 6                                                  
1992        USA  CA  Bear Mtn.                    Rebuilt     Riblet           Operating   Double    Showdown                                               
1992 -      USA  CO  Steamboat                    Relocation  Yes              Operating   Triple    FOUR POINTS                                            
1992 -      FRA  **  Val d`Isere                  New         Montaval         Operating   Quad      GRAND PRÉ                                              
1993 2017   USA  CO  Lake Eldora                  Rebuilt     Hall             Removed     Triple    CANNONBALL II / CHALLENGE                              
1993 1995   USA  NV  Las Vegas                    New         Yes              Relocated   Tramway   Grand Slam Tram                                        Alpine Springs Express Gondola, Denver, CO
1993 -      USA  NV  Sky Tavern                   Relocation  Yes              Operating   Triple    Sky Ridge                                              
1993 -      USA  ID  Sun Valley                   New         Yes              Operating   HSQ       Lookout Express                                        
1993 -      USA  ID  Sun Valley                   New         Yes              Operating   HSQ       Seattle Ridge                                          
1993 -      USA  CA  Squaw Valley                 Relocation  Yes              Operating   Triple    SILVERADO                                              
1993 -      USA  OR  Mt. Bachelor                 Relocation  Yes              Operating   Triple    CARROUSEL / ALPENGLOW                                  
1993 1998   FRA  **  Val d`Isere                  New         ?                Removed     Triple    MADELEINE                                              
1994 -      USA  CA  Kirkwood                     New         Yes              Operating   Triple    1 / Snowkirk                                           
1994 -      USA  CA  Mammoth Mtn.                 New         Yes              Operating   HSQ       Chair 16                                               
1994        USA  CA  Mammoth Mtn.                                                          Double    Chair 11                                               
1994 ?      USA  CA  Mammoth Mtn.                 New         Yes              Removed     Double    Chair 27                                               
1994 2007   CAN  **  Red Mountain                 Relocation  Yes              Removed     Triple    Lower Granite / Silverlode                             
1994 -      USA  ID  Sun Valley                   New         Yes              Operating   HSQ       Frenchman`s                                            
1994 -      POL  **  Zakopane                     New         Yes              Operating   Quad      Hotel Kasprowy                                         
1994 -      CAN  **  Red Mountain                 Relocation  Yes              Operating   Triple    Motherlode                                             
1995 -      USA  CO  Denver                       Relocation  Yes              Operating   Tramway   Alpine Springs Express Gondola                         
1995 -      USA  CO  Copper Mtn.                  Relocation  Yes              Operating   Double    BLACKJACK                                              
1995 -      USA  CO  Copper Mtn.                  Relocation  Yes              Operating   Double    MOUNTAIN CHIEF                                         
1996 -      USA  ID  Bogus Basin                  Relocation  Poma             Operating   Double    Coach                                                  
1996 -      USA  OR  Mt. Hood                     Relocation  Yes              Operating   Double    HEATHER CANYON                                         
1997 2001   USA  UT  Deer Valley                  Relocation  Yes              Relocated   Triple    Quincy                                                 Day Break, Park City, UT
1997 -      USA  UT  Park City                    Relocation  Yes              Operating   Triple    Short Cut                                              
1997 -      USA  VT  Mt. Snow                     Relocation  Yes              Operating   Triple    TUMBLEWEED (8)                                         
1998 -      USA  CA  Heavenly Valley              Relocation  Yes              Operating   Triple    FIRST RIDE                                             
1998 -      USA  VT  Mt. Snow                     Relocation  Yes              Operating   Triple    DISCOVERY SHUTTLE (28)                                 
1998        USA  MT  Blacktail Mountain           Relocation  Telecar/MD/LE    Operating   Double    Thunderhead                                            
1999        USA  MT  Big Sky                      Relocation  Yes              Operating   Triple    Lone Moose                                             
2000 2009   USA  UT  Deer Valley                  Relocation  Yes              Relocated   Triple    Little Chief                                           Pioneer, Taos, NM
2001 -      USA  NV  Sky Tavern                   Relocation  Yes              Operating   Triple    America                                                
2001 -      USA  UT  Park City                    Relocation  Yes              Operating   Triple    Day Break                                              
2001 2017   USA  UT  Alta                         Relocation  Yes              Removed     Triple    SUPREME                                                
2001 -      USA  ID  Pebble Creek                 Relocation  Yes              Operating   Triple    Skyline                                                
2002 -      IRN  **  Nazvhan Forest Park          Relocation  Yes              Operating   HSQ       Chairlift Of Nazhvan                                   
2002        USA  MT  Ski Discovery                Relocation  Yes              Operating   Triple    Anaconda                                               
2002        USA  MT  Ski Discovery                Relocation  Yes              Operating   Triple    Granite                                                
2002        USA  UT  Beaver Mountain              Relocation  Yes              Operating   Triple    Marge`s                                                
2005        USA  MT  Big Sky                      Relocation  Yes              Operating   Double    Headwaters                                             
2006 -      USA  CO  Winter Park                  Relocation  Yes              Operating   Triple    Eagle Wind                                             
2006        USA  MT  Showdown                     Relocation  Yes              Operating   Double    Sluice Goose Caboose                                   
2006        USA  UT  Beaver Mountain              Relocation  Yes              Operating   Triple    Harry`s Dream                                          
2007 -      USA  CO  Steamboat                    Relocation  Yes              Operating   Triple    PREVIEW                                                
2007 -      USA  CA  Northstar                    Relocation  Yes              Operating   Triple    TIMBERLINE                                             
2007 -      USA  CO  Vail                         Relocation  Doppelmayr       Operating   Triple    15 / LITTLE EAGLE                                      
2009        USA  WY  Sleeping Giant               Relocation  Yes              Operating   Triple    Sheepeater                                             
2009        USA  MT  Ski Discovery                Relocation  Yes              Operating   Triple    Silver Chief                                           
2011        USA  MT  Ski Discovery                Relocation  Yes              Operating   Triple    Jubilee                                                
2012 -      USA  CA  Squaw Valley                 Relocation  Yes              Operating   Triple    MOUNTAIN MEADOW                                        
2012        USA  NM  Taos Ski Valley              Relocation  Yes              Operating   Triple    Pioneer                                                
2014        USA  MT  Whitefish Mountain           Relocation  Yes              Operating   Triple    Flower Point                                           
2020 ?      USA  CA  Mt. Baldy                    Relocation  Yes              ?           Double    ?                                                      
2020 -      IRN  **  Sabalan Mountain             Relocation  Yes              Partly I.   HSQ       ?                                    


The Ridge
(Heavenly, CA)

Posted Image

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Grand Slam Tram
(Circus Circus, Las Vegas, NV)

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The FunH2Ouse Express
(former Gland Slam Tram, now at Water World, Denver, CO)

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Talca Tramway


Gold Coast
(Squaw Valley, CA)

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This post has been edited by sheave: 04 February 2022 - 02:31 AM

#2 Kelly

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Posted 23 November 2021 - 11:26 AM

Much of the credit for this list should be attributed to Forum Administrator Ski Bachelor (Cameron Halstrom) and other SLO administrators.
The liftblog stuff is just a copy of Cameron's information.

Without discrediting many of Yan’s ideas … Les Okreglak should be mentioned as he was “the mechanical engineer” of Lift Engineering. He also ran the “factory” - if you had a problem you went to Les first. Many "refinements" of Yan's ideas were done by Les.

…LE's "successor" Yantrak
Perhaps “subsidiary” is a better term as Yantrak was a smaller (very small) portion of the company and built/engineered by same people in same facility.

…Mostly built with parts from poma…
Just grips and sheaves - switch came in 1969

Early adopter of cast aluminum sheave assemblies

You might want to re-examine your "total" build count and clarify what was actually produced by the original factory vs relocated or modified…do all the relocations (especially after 1996) count as new Yans or Yan built?

Source: Me

#3 sheave

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Posted 23 November 2021 - 01:11 PM

View PostKelly, on 23 November 2021 - 11:26 AM, said:

Much of the credit for this list should be attributed to Forum Administrator Ski Bachelor (Cameron Halstrom) and other SLO administrators.
The liftblog stuff is just a copy of Cameron's information.

Is where the list first came from? Because I got my copy from a former LE employee and it contains much more than just the master list.

View PostKelly, on 23 November 2021 - 11:26 AM, said:

…LE's "successor" Yantrak
Perhaps “subsidiary” is a better term as Yantrak was a smaller (very small) portion of the company and built/engineered by same people in same facility.

Afaik he did start that business even before 1996, correct?

View PostKelly, on 23 November 2021 - 11:26 AM, said:

You might want to re-examine your "total" build count and clarify what was actually produced by the original factory vs relocated or modified…do all the relocations (especially after 1996) count as new Yans or Yan built?

You think it is too high? I did only include lifts listed as "New", no relocations or modifications.

View PostKelly, on 23 November 2021 - 11:26 AM, said:

Source: Me

Love it! Finally not Google. Or the friend of a friend.

#4 liftmech

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Posted 24 November 2021 - 02:51 PM

Minor correction- you list our E-lift as being removed in 2000; it was actually torn down in 1998.
Member, Department of Ancient Technology, Colorado chapter.

#5 Kelly

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Posted 25 November 2021 - 10:38 AM

As I recall he was experimenting with “people-movers” in the 1980s.
Yantrak - A lot of the past media stories that have been recycled and sound pretty truthful as they paint Yantrak as a whole other company, imagine: huge sign, large smokestacks, big group of engineering cubicles, perhaps existing in another part of Nevada etc. They were all “produced” at the Lift Engineering yard in Carson City. Yantrak is mostly marketing which he was quite good at.
He also had hourglass wheels on his detachable grip so these were self-cleaning. Big deal in wet/icy climates.
As I recall he had the first fully geared decelerator/accelerator/conveying system for his detachables.
Install list – I believe Cameron did a lot of lists, from every manufacturer; gathered from Ski Area Management yearly install articles and input from SLO forum members.
They still exist here: http://www.skilifts....tall_na2009.htm
Cameron still exists and I am pretty sure he would respond to a PM.
Yan also had offices in Tahoe City and in Whistler…ie. A house he lived in or rented space for a part-time secretary and phone. I would not pay too much attention to addresses. Like most companies it started small and I am sure most items were shipped directly to the resort.
You can also look at historical aerial imagery of Carson – the plant is just north of the airport.
I think Lift Dino can also add and correct this information...

#6 liftinspect

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Posted 26 November 2021 - 05:46 PM

2017 relocation Chair-2 China Peak CA. Quad form Steamboat CO.
2019 relocation Chair-6 Dodge Ridge CA. Drive terminal from Sun Valley ID.

#7 sheave

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Posted 02 December 2021 - 05:03 AM

View Postliftmech, on 24 November 2021 - 02:51 PM, said:

Minor correction- you list our E-lift as being removed in 2000; it was actually torn down in 1998.

Changed, thanks.

View PostKelly, on 25 November 2021 - 10:38 AM, said:

You can also look at historical aerial imagery of Carson – the plant is just north of the airport.

The adress is or was 2400 Arrowhead Drive. I'm always wondering if the office building to the front was designed by him.

View Postliftinspect, on 26 November 2021 - 05:46 PM, said:

2017 relocation Chair-2 China Peak CA. Quad form Steamboat CO.
2019 relocation Chair-6 Dodge Ridge CA. Drive terminal from Sun Valley ID.

Was it Sunnyside's old drive terminal?

#8 iceberg210

    Bald Eagle Lifts: Defying Gravity

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Posted 02 December 2021 - 08:44 AM

I believe the building was designed by him, it certainly has the same style.

I believe the terminal that went to Dodge Ridge was the Yan retrofit terminal on the old Cold Springs Riblet lift. Sunnyside I think ended up at Cherry Peak in Utah.

Attached File(s)

Erik Berg
Bald Eagle Lifts: Defying Gravity

#9 liftinspect

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Posted 03 December 2021 - 05:02 PM

View Posticeberg210, on 02 December 2021 - 08:44 AM, said:

I believe the building was designed by him, it certainly has the same style.

I believe the terminal that went to Dodge Ridge was the Yan retrofit terminal on the old Cold Springs Riblet lift. Sunnyside I think ended up at Cherry Peak in Utah.

Yes Yan built the machine room style remodel, I am old enough to remember when 2400 arrowhead drive was a single story building.

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