I have started a small research project to find out more about the companies that A-Basin’s Larry Jump founded in the 1950s or used to work with. Especially regarding Miner-Denver there is a lot of vague or wrong information out there, which I would like to clarify. I will add to this posting as I go along and I do appreciate any comments or hints. The information is mainly based on the correspondence between the different persons that are archived in the library of Denver and other archives (e.g. newspapers). The research will cover the time between the incorporation of Pomalift (1954) until the last lift was sold by Miner-Denver and Pomalift merged with Heron Engineering.
Here is a short overview of what happened (updates may occur in the course of the research, but all information is based on business records and documents - no hearsay).
Larry Jump founded Pomalift, Inc. in 1954 after he needed more uphill capacity and had heard about Poma through a friend. The first lift, a T50, was ordered through Canada from Breco and Vulcan Iron & Engineering, Poma's licensees. Pomagalski himself supervised the installation at A-Basin. Pomalift became the first reseller of Poma equipment in the US.
Telecar, Inc. was started as a reseller for Carlevaro & Savio (C&S) on July 17, 1957 after Jump was looking for a supplier for gondola lifts. In 1959, he founded Lift Services, Inc. to handle the check-ups and repair work, and the sale of spare parts. All of these companies were wholly owned subsidiaries of Arapahoe Basin, Inc. They did tend to split the liability vulnerability and keep it away from A-Basin itself. Profits were generally somewhere between 125 to 130 %. The management believed that the fostering of new ski areas was a smart thing to do to raise the interest in skiing. Jump first used both Pomalift and Telecar to sell chairlifts, but later in the 1960s decided to use Pomalift for surface lifts only and Telecar for chairlifts and gondolas. One of his suppliers was the Miner Machine Co.
C&S first was a reseller for Pomalifts in Italy, until Pomaglaski, who was pushed by Jump, asked them to develop an affordable chairlift. "Several co-designed" lifts were sold, e.g. to Otsego Club, MI. Pomagaslski quickly understood the design and started developing his own chairlifts. He was afraid that C&S chairlifts could be more in Jump's favor, but Pomalift later focused on Poma chairlifts. C&S was likely trying to directly enter the US market in 1963 (the lift in question might have been the 1963 C&S Triple at Windham, NY). A conflict arose and Jump stopped the cooperation. Bill Alsup took over a separate franchise for the East.
Janek Kunczynski officially started working for Jump in March 1964 under the newly incorporated Lift Engineering Co. with offices in both California and Vermont, but was already involved in 1963. Around that time, Miner Machine started building chairlifts under the Miner-Denver brand and named them "Telecar-Miner Chair Lifts" or "Miner●Denver Chair Lift - Telecar System" or "Telecar (system Miner-Denver) chair lift". Pomalift was absorbed by Mountain Lifts Corporation in 1965 while Jump continued as a sales rep. Eventually Mountain Lifts merged with Heron Engineering and Poma Aerial Tramways, Inc. (East Coast rep for Poma) to become Heron Poma in 1970.
In April 1966, Larry Jump received at letter from the New York architect Alexander "Sandy" McIlvaine, the inventor of the "retractable foot-rest" (https://patents.goog...ent/US2662587A/). McIlvaine was confused about a letter he had received from "Miner●Denver, Inc." earlier. Edward D. Pierson, president of Miner●Denver, was asking him about a licencing agreement. Pierson told the archictect that they "have not sold footrests of any kind to users", but they "have manufactured footrests for Heron and Telecar". He further explained that "starting in 1966", "we will market our own lifts under Miner●Denver and direct contract with the user". Pierson agreed to "make suitable reports" and wanted to pay McIlvaine a royalty of $5 per unit. McIlvaine wrote Jump he "can't make out the relationship between you and Miner-Denver, Miner Engineering, etc.". Jump replied about a month later: "I don't wonder you are confused since we represent almost everybody in some manner or other."
He told McIlvaine that they "represented Pomagalski under the name 'Pomalift, Inc.' until 1963 for the sale of French made chairlifts.", but they "also sold chairlifts for Carlevaro & Savio as well". The relationship with Pomgalski was "as distributor" and with C&S "as selling agent most of the time.". In 1963, they started fabricating their chairlifts in Denver. They have been "manufactured by Miner-Denver (the new name for Miner Machine Co.).". This happened "until these last two months". They became "merely sales agents or representatives and not involved in the contracts.", but the lifts "are sold under the name Telecar System, which is a carry forward from the old Carlevaro & Savio days.".
On Sep 8, 1966, a settlement was made between Jump’s companies and Miner-Denver to terminate the cooperation. When he started Arapahoe East in 1971, the chairlift was delivered by Miner-Denver (likely the very last MD chairlift). Miner-Denver, Inc. had been acquired by Cutler-Hammer in 1968. A group of Miner-Denver engineers founded their own company "James C. Wright & Associates" in 1972 to service the MD lifts. Jump commissioned them on Oct 30, 1972 with the "fabrication and delivery of the chairlift bullwheel modification". This is one of the last documented activities with regard to Pomalift, Telecar and Miner-Denver.
Pomalifts always had a huge price advantage compared to other manufacturers, e.g. Constam, who first had a free run for the US market. While Constam's lifts were likely selling in the six-figures, a Pomalift was much more affordable. The lifts sold well into the late 1960s, even though more and more resorts started focusing on chairlifts (and price became less an issue as resorts started selling land for homes and condos). But Jump, who was thinking about retirement, felt that the market is about to change. A new star was on the rise, who "took the better design features and went into production and sale of his own brand": Janek Kunczynski. Jump also "was less eager to drive thousands of miles to accept the liabilities that were inherent in a skilift supply business". And finally he wasn't able to compete with Hall, Riblet, Carlevaro, SLI, Borvig and later even Pomgalski (1966 triple at Hunter Mt.). After a "frustating year" in 1966, he started thinking about a $25,000 chair for short hills as it would be an "untapped market". Also financing was a big issue back then and named a "deciding factor". All this is why he ended A-Basin's involvements step by step.
Pomalift, Inc.
Jul 9, 1954/55: Distributorship agreement between Pomagalski and Pomalift (both 1954 and 1955 are shown on the document).
Jun 12, 1962: According to the factory in Fontaine, France, Pomalift has made “tremendous sales of chairlifts in the US”.
Mar 21, 1963: Special Directors Meeting of Pomalift. The "current problem" with Pomagalski was discussed and "it appeared to be the general consensus of the board that Mr. Jump should meet with Mr. Pomagalski (…) to negotiate terms for extending the distributorship arrangement for a period of one year (…)".
Mar 19, 1965: Jump receives a letter from "Ingwersen Industries" that confirms the progress in building a fiberglass gondola.
Telecar, Inc.
Some details from an undated memo between Felice Savio and Jump (likely 1957) used to prepare the contract:
- Territory: U.S.A.
- Term: 5 years
- Exclusive features:
-- "Pomalift, Inc. has the exclusive agency for S-C Telecabin and, if Pomagaslki agrees, the S-C Teleciege."
-- "Pomalift, Inc. agrees to handle no products competing with S-C products except the Pomagaslki monte-pentes and fixed chair lift"
Mar 28, 1957: Jump is discussing the new agreement with his lawyer and wonders about a possible name. He did not want to use the "inventors' names or their Italian trademark which is something like 'Carlosavski'.". They have authorized Pomalift, "after some hesitation", to give it another name. His first idea was "Telecar", then "Gondolift" or "Skitram". But only a month later, the Italian associates "have not yet agreed". They kept "reverting to the idea that the name should be a combination of their own surnames. Since one of them is named Savio, all of their suggestions sound somewhat like a cure for men's diseases.".
Apr 5, 1957: Jump signed the agreement. He was also told by his lawyers to not make a reference on Neyret in a press release. The agreement between "Savio-Carlevaro" and Pomalift covers the sale of "(i) all ski lifts made and designed by Savio-Carlevaro, (ii) all ski lifts embodying any of their inventions which are subject of a U.S. or foreign patent or application, (iii) all spare parts and replacement parts for such lifts.". Also Pomalift became the exclusive representative in the U.S.
Apr 11, 1957: Pomalift was already obtaining bids for two lifts, so there was a need to get the agreement signed.
May 1, 1957: As Jump is able to "undersell" the US manufacturers with his lifts being made in Europe, there is a concern that the other manufacturers try to have the customes duties raised. His lawyer is looking for a way prevent this by joining "some trade organization or subscribed to some publication" so "that they will be able to take the matter up in Washington".
Jul 17, 1957: Telecar, Inc. is incorporated at 2:00 pm in the State of Colorado.
Jun 18, 1957: Jump's lawyer congratulates him on a sale (Stone Harbor, NJ, is mentioned in the subject), but he is "deeply concerned about the Neyret situation". In his reply, Jump told him not to "worry too much about the Neyret Belier affair".
Feb 25, 1958: Jump tells a possible customer that Dr. Savio is now “willing to bid on a double chairlift”.
Jun 18, 1958: The trademark application ask for specimens to comply with the law.
Mar 27, 1959: The U.S. Department of Commerce is having various questions about the relationship between Pomalift and Telecar and if the mark is applied on the finished product.
May 18, 1960: Jump tells his lawyer that they "shall try to get from Savio labels with the name 'Telecar' on them, and have these displayed on our two installations to date, plus the chairlifts.".
Jul 8, 1960: Jump and his lawyer are discussing McIlvaine's patent after Savio was worried about the installations already made. As McIlvaine is a potential customer "for a number of chairlifts possibly next year", Savio wants to offer him 50 cent per unit. After a search conducted by the lawyer, an issued patent under the name "Sandy MacIlvaine" could not be found, but they were discussing the potential use of a fake name.
Jan 16, 1962: Jump's lawyer has prepared a new distributorship agreement betweent Telecar and Savio-Carlevaro.
Jan 19, 1962: Jump tells his lawyer that Savio's medical report is "not too encouraging" and Carlevaro "is almost ready to retire". He was also ready to "drop any competing chairlift or to refrain from manufacturing them ourselves" if the freedom on surface lifts can be otained.
Feb 19, 1962: The lawyer is "still in the dark on the matter of the Savio contract" and suggests to "conclude these negotiations in spite of Dr. Savio's illness". This it the last letter send in this regard.
Miner-Denver, Inc. (Miner Machine Co. / Cutler-Hammer, Inc. / James C. Wright & Assoc., Inc.)
Jan 18, 1962: Jump ordered a sample of Pomalift buttons from the Miner Machine Co.
Oct 11, 1963: Telecar orders rubber liners via Miner Machine from Kirkhill Rubber Co.
Feb 1, 1964: "Ski lifts built during 1963" (for Telecar): Beaver Mountain, Slide Mountain, Surface lifts: Pikes Peak, Mt. Christie, Gatlinburg. “Miner-Denver” is on the letterhead for the first time.
Sep 14, 1971: one double chairlift (1,900 ft length, 426 vertical, $51,500) was offered for Arapahoe East.
Oct 30, 1972: Order of "fabrication and delivery of the chairlift bullwheel modification", likely for Arapahoe Basin East.
Carlevaro & Savio
Jan 6, 1960: Savio-Pomalift "is now covering the whole of Canada"
Aug 21, 1962: Jump tells Mr. Festor of Savio-Pomalift that “Professor Carlevaro (…) will have other representation in Canada”. The name Savio is removed from the company’s name by December.
Installation lists
This is the unedited data from the archives (changes were only applied to typos and were mentioned).
State Area Model Year Capacity Length Vertical CO A-Basin Poma-Tele-Chair 1959/60 800 3010 710 CO Buttermilk - - 900 5240 1080 CO Crested Butte Gondola - 850 6845 1842 ID Bogus Basin Poma-Tele-Chair 1959 800 4040 890 MI Hidden Valley Poma-Tele-Chair 1958 850 1380 270 MI Iroquois Point Poma-Tele-Chair 1959 900 1131 370 MI Nubs Nob Poma-Tele-Chair 1958 900 1846 406 NC Ghost Mt. Park - - 900 2720 490 NY Hunter Mt. Poma-Tele-Chair 1959 1000 2200 400 PA Seven Springs Poma-Tele-Chair 1959 1000 1580 340 TN Gatlinburg Double Chair 1961 1000 3500 800 TN Gatlinburg Micro Chair 1961 1000 1000 150 UT Snow Basin Poma-Tele-Chair 1959 800 2490 545 VT Mt. Snow Double Chair 1961 1000 - - VT Killington Poma-Tele-Chair 1959/60 700 6000 1590 VT Sugarbush Poma-Tele-Chair 1959 450 4700 1664 (tbc)
- the following states are only included until 1962: CA, MA, ME, NY, NH, VT. In 1965, Jump told Kunczynski to not involve his businesses in any construction contract. They were "not licensed, nor qualified to do business in California".
State Area Model Year Capacity Length Vertical Lift Ref. AL Artic Valley Ski Bowl T-100 1960 1000 1780 670 746U AL Artic Valley Ski Bowl B-20(sp) 1960 500 1760 640 744U AL Eielson A.F.B. B12 1958 400 1150 204 - AL Eielson A.F.B. F12 1965 710 1765 245 4193 AL Eielson A.F.B. F12conv 1967 800 1150 207 3041 AL Ft. Greely/Black Rapids B50 1965 500 3250 628 2003 AL Hillberg Lake/Elmenhof B20 1957 1000 1250 185 - AL Hillberg Lake/Elmenhof F12Tbar 1967 800 1470 185 4885 AL Hillberg Lake/Elmenhof B20 1967 1000 1250 185 588 AL Ladd A.F.B. B20 1958 400 3000 600 - AL Mt. Aleyska B20 1959 500 1400 400 4786 AL Mt. Aleyska Chair 1960 600 5800 2200 370U AL SSS Ski Lodge B20 1958 400 3000 600 287 AZ Arizona Snow Bowl B20 1958 400 2100 721 238 AZ Big Cienega B15 1966 380 1494 384 4059 AZ Mt. Lemmon B20 1963 450 2370 700 2316 AZ Wiliams Ski Bowl B12 1962 650 1000 250 3079 CA Alpine Meadows B50 1961 850 1646 417 - CA Alpine Meadows EC 1961 830 685 95 - CA Deer Park Lodge T50 1957 600 2455 620 - CA Dodge Ridge Ski Slopes T50 1955 660 2467 610 - CA Dodge Ridge Ski Slopes C30 (sp) 1958 600 1700 232 - CA Granite Chief T50 1961 900 1450 443 - CA Green Valley Lake B20 1954 650 1181 300 - CA Hilltop Lodge B20R 1959 400 1910 387 - CA June Mountain B20 1961 1000 800 251 - CA Little Papoose C 1958 400 1200 200 - CA Little Papoose D 1962 500 600 100 - CA Moonridge B50 1960 600 2690 670 - CA Moonridge B20 1961 670 2200 453 - CA Powder Bowl (#2) D 1960 400 - - - CA Rainbow Tavern B20 1957 400 1785 410 - CA Rebel Ridge D 1960 600 800 100 - CA Sierra Ski Ranch T100 1955 900 2723 587 - CA Snow Shoe Basin T50 1955 900 1450 443 - CA Snow Valley T50 1954 900 1468 392 - CA Squaw Valley T50 1954 450 2546 873 - CA Squaw Valley Chair 1962 1000 780 208 - CA Squaw Valley Chair 1962 900 4431 706 - CA Squaw Valley Chair 1962 750 3850 1280 - CA Squaw Valley Chair 1962 1100 3102 587 - CA Table Mountain T100 1955 1000 2231 745 - CA Table Mountain (#2) B50 1960 1000 1630 310 - CA Table Mountain (#3) B50 1961|62 1000 1440 385 - CO Arapahoe Basin T50 1956 660 1827 587 263 CO Arapahoe Basin T100 1956 1000 2356 702 244 CO Arapahoe Basin C15 1957 600 900 100 5951 CO Arapahoe Basin Chair 1960 800 2880 705 375U (CO Arapahoe Basin Chair 1960 850 3100 790 -) likely a duplicate to 375U CO Arapahoe Basin Chair 1961 600 4050 970 1072 CO Arapahoe Basin B20 1966 600 1700 350 4159 CO Arapahoe Basin B12 1968 400 ?325 380 238 CO Aspen Highlands B12 1959 400 1250 514 463 CO Aspen Highlands F10 1964 400 550 107 2926 CO Aspen Highlands F10 1967 800 550 107 4852 CO Breckenridge B100 1967 800 3720 750 4716 CO Breckenridge B50 1967 600 2440 640 4158 CO Cranor Ski Hills F12 1965 600 1355 305 3748 CO Cooper Hills EC15 1967 500 870 155 595 CO Geneva Basin F10 1965 600 615 805 3749 CO Geneva Basin B20 1967 930 1220 303 4838 CO Glen Cove B12port 1954 400 1126 259 - CO Grand Mesa/Powderhorn B20 1954 270 2953 866 287 CO Grand Mesa/Powderhorn B20 1961 600 1520 380 1170 CO Idlewild Lodge Chair 1960 600 2162 344 4166 CO Idlewild Lodge F10 1967 600 749 121 820 CO Lake City EC15 1964 450 1068 218 1864 CO Loveland Valley F10 1965 700 830 123 4170 CO Meadow Mt. F10 1966 600 577 83 4169 CO Monarch Pass F10 1965 600 400 40 - CO Mt. Werner B12 1961 440 2000 275 1327 CO Mt. Werner EC15 1965 420 800 114 2314 CO Pikes Peak B12 1954 400 1125 259 324 CO Pikes Peak EC15 1963 600 430 55 Miner CO Purgatory Ski Area F10 1965 800 610 90 3589 CO St. Marys Glacier C 1960 500 775 90 - CO Storm Mountain B12 1961 440 2000 275 - CO Sunlight Ski Area F10 1966 600 505 105 4171 CO Vail C 1962 825 916 88 1359C CO Vail F10 1967 600 644 96 4800 CO Wolf Creek B20 1955 440 2356 689 202 CO Wolf Creek F10 1965 500 900 140 3592 ID Bogus Basin T50 1957 600 2355 555 561 ID Bogus Basin B20 1957 425 2210 450 559 ID Bogus Basin Chair 1959 800 4000 890 399 ID Caribou Mountain B20 1961 286 1400 276 - ID Caribou Mountain Extended 1962 - - - - ID Lookout Pass T50 1956 550 2345 712 538 ID Lookout Pass F20 1967 850 2715 760 4731 ID Magic Mtn. FB12 1965 400 1760 440 3541 ID Mount Bonneville T50 1957 345 3443 1215 - ID Skyline T50spec 1957 345 3443 1215 586 ID Skyline F12 1964 300 1135 300 2391 ID Sun Valley F12T 1965 600 900 290 3591 ID Taylor Mountain B50 1961 500 2100 542 - ID Taylor Mountain Extended 1962 - - - - IA Crescent Hills F10 1966 600 1250 150 2937 IA Tamarack Mountain Chair 1962 1000 1050 180 - IA Tamarack Mountain E-C 1962 900 870 110 - MA Bousquet Ski Area B20 1957 950 1250 270 - MA Bousquet Ski Area B20 1957 800 1150 303 - MA Otis Ridge B20 1956 750 1477 321 - MD Deep Creek Ski Area B12 1958 380 1435 415 2937 ME Mars Hill B50 1960 640 2310 558 - ME Titcomb Memorial B20 1956 800 1200 279 - MI Ausable B12R 1960 660 819 144 828 MI Ausable B15 1964 850 870 155 2801 MI Avalanche B12 1958 600 1036 260 - MI Avalanche B12 1960 700 1200 201 - MI Boyne Highlands B20 1957 750 1400 275 600 MI Crystal Mtn. B20 1961 1000 953 253 1360U MI Glacier Hills B12 1963 800 1140 174 2445 MI Grampian Mountain B12 1959 500 700 100 - MI Grayling Comm. Rec. As. F12T 1965 1000 903 138 3590 MI Grayling Comm. Rec. As. C 1966 700 730 100 4093 MI Grayling Comm. Rec. As. Chair 1966 1000 950 135 4094 MI Harbor Highlands B20 1957 750 1400 275 - MI Iroquis Chair 1959 900 1131 370 371 MI Kandahar Ski Club F12 1966 1000 1058 154 4164 MI Mt. Christie C 1958 700 1050 200 663 MI Mt. Mancelona B12 1961 900 720 200 1320 MI Mt. Maplehurst F12 1966 800 990 150 1320 MI Mt. Maria B15 1964 900 1250 230 2854 MI Nubs Nob Chair 1958 900 1846 409 313 MI Nubs Nob B20R 1960 850 1725 265 698U MI Nubs Nob Chair 1961 800 1485 355 1299U MI Otsego Club Chair 1958 850 1380 270 312U MI Shanty Creek B12 1963 850 950 210 2384 MI Shanty Creek B12 1963 760 887 215 2385 MI Sheridan Valley B15 1964 800 1250 188 2800 MI Snow Valley EC15 1963 800 540 86 2435 MI Snow Valley B12 1963 900 455 73 2279 MI Sylvan Knob B20 1954 430 1218 177 O309 MI Sylvan Knob B12 1959 500 700 100 488 MI Sylvan Knob B20R 1960 1000 823 200 6990 MI Sylvan Knob B12 1963 800 1023 175 2445 MI Thunder Mtn. B20R 1957 500 2400 470 582 MI Village Inn EC15 1961 800 815 98 1025U MI Walloon Hills T50 1957 1000 2000 355 329 MN Afton Alps B20 1963 900 1200 300 2396 MN Detroit Lakes F12T 1966 950 1073 191 4163 MN Gull Lake F12T 1961 900 1350 166 2938 MN Lutsen Resort B50spec 1959 630 2570 610 391 MN Lutsen Resort T100 1965 500 4500 620 3360 MN Pine Bend B20 1963 900 1100 200 2361 MN Pine Bend B20 1963 900 1500 210 2362 MO Tan-tar-a F12T 1964 800 1500 180 2927 MT Bear Paw B20R 1960 500 1325 335 870U MT Belmont Ski Club EC15 1960 370 1000 190 560U MT Big Mtn. B12 1958 500 1700 232 309 MT Grizzley Peak C15 1959-67 550 1000 160 534 MT Grizzley Peak F10 1968 550 1112 414 3000 MT Grizzley Peak BabyTele - - - - - MT Grizzley Peak BabyTele - - - - - MT Kings Hill B20 1956 300 3600 935 465 MT Marshall F20 1965 800 2880 865 3670 MT Missoula Snow Bowl B20 1955 400 2100 675 646 MT Missoula Snow Bowl D 1961 400 400 75 - NM Arrowhead Skiway T50 1962 880 2325 408 - NH Arrowhead Skiway E-C 1962 660 855 165 - NH Cranmore Mountain B20 1955 800 1909 394 - NH Holts Ledge, Dartm. Sk. T100 1956 800 3775 936 - NH Intervale Ski Slopes B20 1955 600 1564 400 - NH Mt. Sunapee T50 1957 900 1551 356 - NH Pinnacle Mountain E-C 1962 800 570 100 - NM Cloudcroft F10T 1964 750 770 140 2925 NM La Madera C15 1961 400 940 160 805 NM Lake Peak B12R 1957 1200 770 200 869 NM Lake Peak C15 1959 800 450 70 439 NM Raton Ski Basin B15 1967 - - - 4763 NM Red River B12 1960 750 850 150 865 NM Santa Fe Ski Basin B12 1957 1200 770 200 - NM Santa Fe Ski Basin C 1959 800 450 70 - NM Sipapu B12R 1960 320 1667 437 6200 NM Sipapu FB10 1964 600 528 105 6200 NM Sierra Blanca F10 1966 600 396 54 2824 NM Taos Ski Valley B20 1957 185 3900 1600 578 NM Taos Ski Valley F10 1957 600 560 144 4168 NM Taos Ski Valley B12 1957 525 900 200 - NM Taos Ski Valley C15 1960 400 620 80 - NY Big Basin B12 1956 625 1100 204 - NY Fahnestock Memorial SP E-C 1962 850 573 70 - NY Fawn Ridge B20 1955 1000 1168 130 - NY Gunset Ski Bowl B12 1961 1000 800 110 - NY Hickory Hill B20 1955 500 2155 627 - NY Holiday Mountain B20 1957 800 1000 205 - NY Holiday Mountain Extended 1962 - - - - NY Hunter Mountain Chair 1959 1000 2200 400 - NY Hunter Mountain Chair 1959 1000 2600 600 - NY Hunter Mountain D 1960 500 600 85 - NY Mt. Storm B12 1962 800 1045 198 - NY Petersburg Pass Chair 1962 1000 3000 510 - NY Scotts Cabble B20 1955 800 1355 302 - NY Silver King/Bear Mtn. D 1960 - - - - NY Snow Ridge T50 1953 800 2139 455 - NY Sterling Forest Gardens Chair 1962 1000 1350 248 - NY Sterling Forest Gardens Chair 1962 1000 1850 283 - NY Sterling Forest Gardens E-C 1962 715 600 100 - OH Sugar Creek Ski Area F10 1967 600 679 155 4974 OR Anthony Lakes B50 1963 640 3270 854 - OR Anthony Lakes EC15 1963 700 620 98 2454 OR Mt. Ashland F10 1965 640 700 174 3588 OR Mt. Bachelor T50 1958 690 2700 890 232 OR Timberline Lodge EC15port 1964 300 1200 350 - OR Timberline Lodge F10port 1965 300 1200 350 3356 OR Tomahawk Ski Bowl T50 1956 650 2250 630 449 OR Willamette Pass T50 1958 550 2700 690 233 PA Buck Hills Falls B12 1961 900 1062 138 - PA Buck Hills Falls EC30 1962 900 900 110 - PA Camp Soles B12 1956 500 1240 265 - PA Denton Hill State Park B20 1958 700 1570 384 - PA Denton Hill State Park C 1958 700 800 120 - PA Denton Hill State Park E-C 1962 450 800 200 - PA Hidden Valley Farm C 1958 600 830 193 - PA Hidden Valley Farm B20 1962 400 1785 400 - PA Highland Ski Area C 1958 600 830 193 - PA Highland Ski Area B20 1092 400 1785 400 - PA Indian Lake E-C 1962 600 865 172 1994 PA Indian Lake F10 1966 - - - - PA Seven Springs Ski Area B20R 1957 600 1200 350 550 PA Seven Springs Ski Area B20 1958 600 1400 350 272 PA Seven Springs Ski Area Chair 1959 1000 1580 340 496 PA White Mountain B20 1962 725 1605 384 - SD Stewart Slope B20 1961|62 500 2180 455 885 SD Terry Peak E-C 1960 450 860 205 885 SD Terry Peak B20 1962 500 2180 455 1882 SD Terry Peak F12 1965 800 1000 195 2846 UT Beaver Mtn. Chair 1961 700 3090 1020 1096U UT Beaver Mtn. B15 1967 - - - 4161 UT Monticello Ski Club T50 1958 360 2000 789 2980 UT Snow Basin Chair 1959 800 2420 545 374 UT Snow Basin Chair 1961 600 4400 1056 - UT Solitude B50 1959 750 2300 480 - UT Timp Haven B20 1960 690 2440 558 844 VT Big Bromley T50 1955 900 2190 370 - VT Burke Mountain T100 1955 500 5196 1483 - VT Burke Mountain B12R|D 1960 - - - - VT Hogback Mountain T50 1955 1000 1791 266 - VT Jay Peak T50 1956 800 2020 583 - VT Jay Peak Extended 1957 - 3580 1155 - VT Killington Basin B50 1957 700 2300 450 - VT Killington Basin B50 1958 700 2050 470 - VT Killington Basin B50 1958 700 4000 1200 - VT Killington Basin C 1958 700 575 108 - VT Killington Basin Chair 1959 800 6000 1750 - VT Killington Basin Chair 1961 700 3280 498 - VT Killington Basin D 1961 600 400 100 - VT Killington Basin Chair 1962 850 6600 1350 - VT Mount Tom B20R 1960 580 2200 425 - VT Mount Tom D 1961 410 465 69 - VT Norwich University B12R 1962 525 1448 323 - VT Okemo Mountain T100 1955 450 6168 1565 - VT Okemo Mountain B20R 1955 800 1916 295 - VT Okemo Mountain B20R 1958 760 2011 295 - VT Okemo Mountain T100 1960 1000 3150 600 - VT Okemo Mountain D 1960 - 500 60 - VT Skyline Ski Area T50 1957 1000 1748 341 - VT Smugglers Notch T100 1956 900 3500 890 - VT Smugglers Notch T100 1956 1000 1960 472 - VT Smugglers Notch E-C 1961 465 840 180 - VT Snow Bowl T100 1954 920 3478 738 - VT Snow Valley B12R 1960 535 1500 285 - VT Sugarbush Valley Chair 1959 700 4100 1664 - VT Suicide Six T100 1954 1000 2329 617 - WA Chewelah B20 1959 800 1010 330 396U WA Hyak Ski Area B20 1959 800 1062 208 504U WA Hyak Ski Area T100 1959 500 2395 825 489U WA Loup Loup B100 1967 - - - 4137 WA Snoqualmie Pass B20R 1955 900 972 200 396 WA Snoqualmie Pass T50 1955 1070 1214 305 385 WA Snoqualmie Pass Extended 1958 - - - - WA Snoqualmie Pass T50 1959 490 2655 840 388 WA Snoqualmie Pass T50 - - - - 387 WA Snoqualmie Pass B20 1964 750 1500 345 2780 WA Squilchik Ski Tows B20 1959 800 1010 330 - WA White Pass T50 1955 800 2054 518 627 WI Cascade Mtn. Chair 1961 600 2285 364 1211U WI Gander Mtn. B12 1959 800 1000 190 495 WI Gander Mtn. EC30 1963 800 680 68 1967 WI Mt. Lacrosse B12 1959 400 1040 246 516U WI Sheltered Valley B12 1954 600 663 92 - WV Oglebay Park B12 1963 650 975 170 2363 WV Oglebay Park F10 1964 600 820 154 2951 WV Mountaintop Vacationl. F10 1966 600 840 110 4131 WV Mountaintop Vacationl. F12 1966 900 1100 120 4132 WY Meadowlark B20 1963 440 2345 850 2276 WY Meadowlark F10 1964 400 884 150 2279 WY Pinedale Winter Sports B50 1961 300 4000 870 1147 WY Ryan Park C 1958 375 1270 230 263
State Area Name Model Year Capacity Length Vertical Speed Chairs (CO Pikes Peak - EC15 1963 600 430 55) tbc - - CO Pikes Peak - Surface 1963 - - - - - MI Mt. Christie - Surface 1963 - - - - - NV Slide Mountain - Chair 1963 - - - - - TN Gatlinburg - Surface 1963 - - - - - UT Beaver Mountain - Chair 1963 - - - - - CA Squaw Valley Shirley Lake Chair 1964 - - - - - CA Squaw Valley Emigrant Pass Chair 1964 - - - - - ID* Bear Gulch Ski Area ? Double 1965 600 1930 478 500 39 NM Santa Fe ? Chair ? - - - - - NY Hunter Mountain ? Chair ? - - - - - MI Otsego Ski Club No. 3 Chair ? - - - - - CO Arapahoe East ? Chair 1971 - 1,900 426 - - (tbc)
*not in the installation records, but mentioned elsewhere in the documents
Carlevaro & Savio
State Area Model Year Capacity Length (m) Vertical (m) VT Mt. Snow Ropeway 19?? 120 610 25 NH Wildcat Gondola 1957 600 1963 609 VT Sugarbush Gondola 1958 600 2827 704 CT Mohawk Double 1960 1000 946 177 VT Mt. Snow Double 1960 900 2135 438 VT Mt. Snow Double 1960 1000 610 122 VT Sugarbush Double 1960 700 1066 372 NC Ghost Mtn. Double 1961 900 830 149 NC Gatlinburg Double 1961 1000 942 239 NC Gatlinburg Double 1961 1000 305 46 MA Bosquet Double 1962 1000 815 212 CO Aspen Double 1962 800 1732 355 VT Mt. Snow Double 1962 1000 1551 328 MA Butternut Double 1963 1000 1169 252 NY Windham Double 1963 1000 1678 427 NY Greek Peak Double 1963 1000 1356 228 VT Mt. Snow Double 1963 1000 1159 312 VT Sugarbush Double 1963 1000 1174 252 NC Cherokee Gondola 1963 1500 521 14 FL Silver Springs Gondola 1963 1500 927 3 NY Bristol Mt. Double 1964 1200 1128 319 NY Bristol Mt. Double 1964 1200 1128 319 VT Sugarbush Double 1964 1000 549 88 NY Windham Triple 1964 1800 1000 208 VT Mt. Snow Gondola 1964 1000 2200 485 VT Pico Peak Double 1965 1000 1262 390 VT Pico Peak Double 1965 1000 156 24 MA Woburn Double 1966 1000 300 62 NH Dartmouth Double 1967 1000 1142 268 NY Dutchess Double 1967 800 198 25 NY Dutchess Double 1967 1200 498 198 NC Beech Mt. Gondola 1967 1000 885 228 MA Butternut Double 1968 1200 910 195 VT Killington Gondola 1968 1500 2550 362 VT Killington Gondola 1968 1500 1480 410 CT Mohawk Double 1969 1200 640 139 VT Mt. Snow Double 1969 1000 297 114 MA Butternut Double 1969 1200 115 15 VT Pico Peak Double 1969 1200 494 156 VT Killington Gondola 1969 1500 1403 126 VT Mt. Snow Gondola 1969 1000 1443 306
Source: Agudio
This post has been edited by sheave: 23 March 2022 - 11:16 AM