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Bud Fischer 1945-2016

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#21 SkiDaBird

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Posted 03 March 2017 - 11:03 PM

Thank you.

#22 passengerpigeon

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Posted 14 March 2017 - 07:11 AM

Bud Fischer was EMax on the forums? Darn, I was hoping that wouldn't be the case when I stumbled across this thread. I can confirm what everybody else has said about his personality even though my only interactions with him were a few confused private messages over some ambiguity in a thread. Although I have no industry connections nor deeper knowledge of anybody on this forum, it is always surreal to see someone, especially such a dynamic character, vanish from the Internet. Rest in peace, Bud the Polish Mafioso.

This post has been edited by passengerpigeon: 14 March 2017 - 07:28 AM

#23 Razvan

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Posted 19 March 2017 - 03:06 AM

Tami, I tried to reach you by e-mail but it seems that Bud never told you that we communicate via the Spam folder :-)

I wrote something that you may use if you think it's appropriate.

I've never met Bud in person, yet I feel like I've known him for a lifetime. I confronted him on a professional blog, on a physics topic.
He was the Alpha Male Electrical Engineer there, and this is how I gamble my way into the pack.
Living in an East-European country, I'm used to being mocked by upper-world engineers even if I'm right, and I expected the same
treatment. Bud stood corrected. He befriended me. We discussed each other's projects. Played with ideas. Exchanged family photos.
He became a father figure. Watching Clint Eastwood in "Gran Torino", I couldn't help but thinking about Bud.

He even offered me a big loan when he learned that things got rough for me and needed a car (eventually it was not necessary, but in my
heart I keep this memory as if he did sent me the money).

I often thought where NASA would be if Bud worked there. He was an innovator. He was deeply connected with reality and understood
human nature in the same time - very rare for an engineer - that's why his projects were so successful.

And he was an incredible mentor, even from a distance. It will be an honor to pass onto my three sons some of the things I learned
from him. From an ocean and two continents away, I could tell that he was a great husband and a super-dad -
- but I must leave some things for you to say, guys.

The world is literally poorer now. I feel like an anchor has been lost. I knew I could count on Bud from explaining to me an obscure English
language reference, or a weird circuit, or a fact of life from the perspective of someone who experienced everything, crazy and all,
yet remained a gentleman.

Now we are all on our own.
One more thing - one can't talk about Bud and not specifically mention lifts and retrofit -

I don't know about Heaven itself, but I'm sure that climbing to it using a stairwell is becoming obsolete as we speak.

Răzvan Neagoe, România

#24 Lift Dinosaur

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Posted 23 November 2017 - 07:37 PM

Happy Thanksgiving, Bud. Everyone’s jumping through their a*ses as usual trying to get ready for the Season.
Miss you my Friend.
"Things turn out best for the people that make the best of the way things turn out." A.L.

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