teachme, on 11 August 2015 - 08:31 AM, said:
Thanks LD
Then how is maintenance scheduled? Obviously some things like a paint job are not operations dependent, but others like replacing the cables must be based on hours of actual use or cycles? It makes no sense for a tram that operates one an hour 12 hours a day to replace cables and wheel bearings as often as one that runs 8 times an hour 18 hours a day. If the time count is from power on to power off then it seems the data is useless. Power on but not moving is the same as power off (and hopefully not moving!!) for 99% of the lift components.
Trams are different as they are 'non-circulating" ropeways. My experience with these types of installations is maintenance is scheduled - Daily; Weekly; Monthly, Semi- Annually; Annually.
As for component replacement, most are not tied to hours of operation but rather they are inspected against a wear criteria for replacement. In the case of the haul rope, the main rejection criteria are 1) loss of nominal diameter (core is deteriorating or the outer wires are becoming worn) exceeding 6% or 2) Loss of cross section metallic area (a number of broken wires in a given length). There are other criteria to be considered during inspection but they are too numerous to list.
Hope this helps. More questions?
This post has been edited by Lift Dinosaur: 11 August 2015 - 09:16 AM
"Things turn out best for the people that make the best of the way things turn out." A.L.