Paint marks on the cable
05 Feb 2017
What is the purpose of the small sections on the cables that are spray painted? Are they to indicate where a chair was once clamped on?
Here is a photo from Peter's site of the quad at Loveland. Lots of paint on this line!
Here is a photo from Peter's site of the quad at Loveland. Lots of paint on this line!

05 Feb 2017
As far as i know they are for where chairs were fixed in previous years on a fixed grip. On all cables they are also for where the splice begins and ends.
05 Feb 2017
I have seen some mechanics spray paint where a busted wire was broken off (detachable).
06 Feb 2017
Multiple explanation:
AA. Fixed and detachable ropeways are treated slightly different – read all below.
A. With the exception of Riblet’s insert** clip, all grips are designed to move* on the cable (haulrope). This movement* is designed as to not induce wear “fatigue” in concentrated areas by the grip moving on the outside wires of the haulrope.
B. *Grip movement is called migration within the ropeway industry, grip migration can be just inches per year up to feet per year…one thousandth of an inch for each lap the chair takes is not uncommon…those can add up to feet in a season. Repeating this for emphasis: Grip migration is necessary for haulrope wire fatigue reduction.
C. Grip migration is usually downhill but can also be uphill as most grips are designed to clamp down harder on the haulrope when passengers sit in the seat.
D. Migration or in most cases “lack of migration” is tracked by painting the haulrope.
E. Certain sections of haulrope splice area (can and usually) are also identified by paint: the marriage, end of the tail, and tuck may be painted.
F. Grip location on certain areas of the splice is not advisable due to diameter changes – see E above.
G. If or when a “resplice” occurs most of the paint will be removed by just handling of the haulrope, areas that have already have grip migration are to be avoided if possible so these are sometimes “remarked” to make those areas easily identifiable.
H. As twomile mentions paint can also help identify worn or broken wires…which can be difficult to find on detachables as there is not identifying reference point such as a grip on a fixed grip chair.
J. Detachable grips are relocated every time they enter a terminal - haulrope wear from fatigue is a secondary concern.
K. **Fixed grips (external and internal) are “relocated” at certain yearly intervals in the off season, this is added insurance of the grip being placed in non-used areas. This interval is established by a consensus of ropeway industry experts.
KK. Haulrope wear (at grip and nongrip areas) is checked at certain yearly intervals in the off season, this interval is established by a consensus of ropeway industry experts.
LL. Grip and haulrope wear checking is a common-sense ropeway maintenance practice, it has been in place for over 40 years and is also mandated by all ropeway authorities…this checking also includes migration.
L. Paint selection is a difficult choice for rope identification – if it adheres too well it can be seen for many years and give false indications of migration, poor adherence gives the opposite problems. If a different color of paint is available to the ropeway technician a different color may be used each year.
M. Haulrope has a tremendous safety factor (of any material that transports humans), a small number of broken wires is perfectly acceptable.
N. The picture in this topic shows either splice locations or older grip locations hence all the funny markings.
See youtube stuff on chairlift splicing and rigging:
Glossary info:
AA. Fixed and detachable ropeways are treated slightly different – read all below.
A. With the exception of Riblet’s insert** clip, all grips are designed to move* on the cable (haulrope). This movement* is designed as to not induce wear “fatigue” in concentrated areas by the grip moving on the outside wires of the haulrope.
B. *Grip movement is called migration within the ropeway industry, grip migration can be just inches per year up to feet per year…one thousandth of an inch for each lap the chair takes is not uncommon…those can add up to feet in a season. Repeating this for emphasis: Grip migration is necessary for haulrope wire fatigue reduction.
C. Grip migration is usually downhill but can also be uphill as most grips are designed to clamp down harder on the haulrope when passengers sit in the seat.
D. Migration or in most cases “lack of migration” is tracked by painting the haulrope.
E. Certain sections of haulrope splice area (can and usually) are also identified by paint: the marriage, end of the tail, and tuck may be painted.
F. Grip location on certain areas of the splice is not advisable due to diameter changes – see E above.
G. If or when a “resplice” occurs most of the paint will be removed by just handling of the haulrope, areas that have already have grip migration are to be avoided if possible so these are sometimes “remarked” to make those areas easily identifiable.
H. As twomile mentions paint can also help identify worn or broken wires…which can be difficult to find on detachables as there is not identifying reference point such as a grip on a fixed grip chair.
J. Detachable grips are relocated every time they enter a terminal - haulrope wear from fatigue is a secondary concern.
K. **Fixed grips (external and internal) are “relocated” at certain yearly intervals in the off season, this is added insurance of the grip being placed in non-used areas. This interval is established by a consensus of ropeway industry experts.
KK. Haulrope wear (at grip and nongrip areas) is checked at certain yearly intervals in the off season, this interval is established by a consensus of ropeway industry experts.
LL. Grip and haulrope wear checking is a common-sense ropeway maintenance practice, it has been in place for over 40 years and is also mandated by all ropeway authorities…this checking also includes migration.
L. Paint selection is a difficult choice for rope identification – if it adheres too well it can be seen for many years and give false indications of migration, poor adherence gives the opposite problems. If a different color of paint is available to the ropeway technician a different color may be used each year.
M. Haulrope has a tremendous safety factor (of any material that transports humans), a small number of broken wires is perfectly acceptable.
N. The picture in this topic shows either splice locations or older grip locations hence all the funny markings.
See youtube stuff on chairlift splicing and rigging:
Glossary info: