Clark Patton, Buckeye-Pacific contact info?
14 Apr 2016
Hi, does anyone know how to contact Clark? He mentioned retirement when he was here at Badger Pass last summer and his phone is disconnected so I'm guessing he has hung up his magnet. I have a couple of questions for him. Thanks!
Lift Dinosaur
14 Apr 2016
yosemitemtb, on 14 April 2016 - 11:06 AM, said:
Hi, does anyone know how to contact Clark? He mentioned retirement when he was here at Badger Pass last summer and his phone is disconnected so I'm guessing he has hung up his magnet. I have a couple of questions for him. Thanks!
He sent out an email last Fall about a phone number change. Try (760) 884-7041
15 Apr 2016
Thanks, I found it in our shop phone book today, someone (not me) put his new number under "N" for NDT.