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Mt. Hood Skibowl, Govermment Camp, OR

Skiing#1's Photo Skiing#1 19 Jul 2015

On my vacation, I went Mt. Hood Skibowl in Govermment Camp, OR. I rode 1966 blue double chairlift. It is LowerBowl fixed grip. The safely bar stays down, can't lift up to hold. Lift operators lift the bars up for people load and unload. It is fantastic.

Here are pictures of LowerBowl Lift. Note: I have six more pictures but I can't add more. Members, please move topic to ski lift discussion. Thank you.

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This post has been edited by Skiing#1: 19 July 2015 - 06:58 PM

floridaskier's Photo floridaskier 20 Jul 2015

Got a chance to ride this one last month too, first time I got to ride a Riblet center pole chair. Hit my head on the safety bar loading, and as I was in line for the alpine slide a kid flipped over the edge of the track and hurt himself, closing it down for a little while while the medics took care of him. Nice throwback, not much in Utah where I usually am is that old

Skiing#1's Photo Skiing#1 20 Jul 2015

I loaded, the lift operator put the safely bar down, it hit my upper leg. Ouch!!! LOL